Religion and Science. How do they collide with each other?

2016-06-08 10:52 pm
In the Holy Bible it describes how God made Earth and the Sun and whatnot. But scientists describe The Big Bang happening and our universe being born.

What do think about this? How do you feel?

回答 (28)

2016-06-08 11:00 pm
Science deals with the natural world

The Holy Bible describes the supernatural things of God

Science cannot touch God or the things of God

A real no-brainer for most

No one but God and Jesus were there at creation so they are the only ones that could possibly know of origins. Read Genesis 1.

The "Big Bang" is a BIG DUD

Psa 118:8 It is always better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

1Ti 6:20 ¶ O keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
1Ti 6:21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
2016-06-08 10:59 pm
The Bible does not use mathematical terms to describe its Creation. So , therefore, it is a false story. However, the Big Bang has its backings of facts and reputable scientists.
2016-06-08 10:54 pm
Science offers actual answers not just sh*t that some primitive goat herder dreamed up.
2016-06-08 11:15 pm
Most people who use the Bible know it is a book of religion. It is not a book of science, poor on history and dodgy on geography and mathematics. They accept that Genesis is largely allegory. If Genesis were true then all science as we understand it is wrong. All of it. You can have the Noah's Ark story or you can have science . You cannot have a literally true Noah and science, they are incompatible.

All the mainstream Christian churches accept that. It is only the fundamentalists, the Biblical literalists, who reject science. Fortunately in most of the world they are a tiny minority, there just seems to be an abundance of them in the USA.
2016-06-08 11:13 pm
For centuries, Roman Catholic theologians have maintained that any conflict between religious dogma and science is a failure to understand religious dogma, and not vice versa. That is a rational approach to the issue; it allows science to inform religion, and it resolves any apparent conflict between religion and science.

Of course, personally, I don't like the expression "religion and science" in the first place. It implies that science is its own set of dogmas, which it is not. Saying that there is a conflict between religion and science is like saying that there is a conflict between religion and thermometers. But that's not to imply that someone couldn't invent a religion which includes the dogma that it is always 75 degrees outside regardless of what the thermometer says.
2016-06-08 10:58 pm
Science at least gives you answers to our universe, religions only answer it's ever had to give was "because God (insert pointless quote and maybe an excerpt from the bible)"
2016-06-08 10:58 pm
Hmmm, Amazing minds, researching, testing and working through the physics of everything or an old book that has talking snakes and donkeys, men walking on water and rising from the dead and a magical being making people out of sticks and dirt.....

Hmmmm, science is real. Religion is man made.
2016-06-08 11:09 pm
The reasons scientists believe that some sort of big bang happened is because of how we track light coming from nearby stars, the movement if the planetary bodies in relation to the stars, and how everything seems to be leaving a central point.

The bible says that in the end, the wise will be humbled. So this could mean that they will see how things really were done and will be ashamed. "Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become 'fools' so that you may become wise."

Shakespeare said the same thing. Some scientists think they have all the answers, but really they have no idea. Have you ever seen a dinosaur special? They find a bone and come up with how it lived, what it did, where it went, what it ate, but really they have no freakin' clue. True science would say, "We found this bone, this animal existed" and that's it. We can then look to the bone and figure out what is likely, but it is all theory what we come up with, because we weren't alive then; we didn't see it ourselves. How many animals in the history of science have we been wrong about? TONS!

So in the same way science can collide with religion. Religion claims that God made everything. While we might be observing some phenomenon that appears like the big bang happened, God put that phenomenon there for a reason.

Here is an example, we know that by the laws of light and positional science that stars are very far away. We can estimate the distance by the speed of light. For the light from stars to have reached us, there would be many many years passing before even the closest star's light would reach us. This would for instance to some scientists prove that God couldn't have made the earth 6000+ years ago, but that the earth is old, really old. Couldn't God have made the stars though with the light already hitting the earth? Couldn't he, who made the laws of the universe, have seen that we'd need these solar bombardments in order to survive? Of course. So he put these things in place for a reason.

Now one might argue, why did he do this? Why bother trying to con us? For one, it isn't a con, two, those who want to have a relationship with him will seek him. The whole point of our existence, this universe, and everything in it is for us to better know God and to love him. He is naturally a spiritual being of love, and love needs love. He has a great plan for this universe and in the end we will see it, some to eternal joy, others to eternal misery.
2016-06-08 10:57 pm
Science is observable, religion isn't. The Big Bang Theory wasn't just some idea that was thrown together because it sounded good, it has gone through years of changing as we observe more and learn more... whereas there is no proof and/or nothing to suggest what the Bible says is true other than it being the Bible. I am person who is very logic-oriented and so I choose the logic of science over the faith of religion.
2016-06-08 10:57 pm
Religion and science only collide if people try to use their holy books as science and history texts that are literal. Lots of believers are scientists and engineers. Very few of those take their sacred writings as literal.
2016-06-08 10:56 pm
Religion is a f*cking joke. It was created to control the masses and it is still there to do so today. All these f*cking brainwashed prudes. I will NEVER support stupid *** religion, I was forced as a child to believe something I had no interest in believing, I hate it. Stupid *** blithering hens trying to tell you how you should live your bloody life.

Science... with science is just makes more sense, there is more proof surrounding it. Not an ounce of proof surrounding religion however. I am more at ease believing science since it has never been forced down my f*cking throat. Science has made the world a more functional and habitable place (mostly), it gives people a better understanding of the planet we call our home. Religion has seemed to cause a lot of destruction wherever it goes, for the most part.
2016-06-08 10:54 pm
God spoke.... then there was a BIG BANG.

Genesis 1:3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
2016-06-08 10:54 pm
The Big Bang is not science. It is assumption.

God's word is true, though every man be a liar.

The Bible and science are not mutually exclusive or polar opposites.
2016-06-10 3:09 pm
Science deals with the question of how. Religion deals with the question of why. It's only when they try to overstep their boundaries that they collide. One day we'll understand the secrets of the universe, and maybe then the prophecies will make sense, and religion and science will become one. Until then, let's try to use our good judgement.
2016-06-09 2:20 pm
The Bible puts the 'beginning' when God began creating the universe at a remote time. Many atheists may mistakenly think it says '6 days'; however, this refers to epochs of unknown length of Terraforming.

How God created the universe, we are not told. If God made use of what science calls the Big Bang and intelligently controlled it to become what it is, is unknown. The mechanism used has not been disclosed.

Science on the other hand is equally at a loss, isn't it! It is clearly admitted that the reason matter and anti-matter did not cancel each other out, is unknown. It is admitted that the laws of nature, the laws of thermodynamics stop working once the singularity is approached - meaning that these laws were violated.

So, while some atheists will tell us that God couldn't create the universe because of violating these laws, they do not mind it when scientists say that it is OK for the laws to be violated at some point.

Thus, I do not see a collision between true science and what God has done.
2016-06-09 2:00 am
Science is the study of what God has created.
2016-06-09 12:14 am
I discovered that the clean and unclean food and hygiene laws established over 3500 years ago in the Book of Leviticus have been based all this time on the germ theory of disease and the modern human body and other advanced fields of science unknown to mankind at that time and some fields of science still unknown to mankind today. So how would ancient man and many generations to come interpret the true scientific meaning behind this scripture without having the knowledge of the germ theory of disease and the modern human body and the other fields of science this scripture has been based on? We would be forced to interpret it into the unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret what is written in this ancient Biblical scripture. I believe our Intelligent Designer knew that someday mankind's scientific knowledge would open our eyes to realize our mistake in interpretation of this scripture thus
參考: leading to proving His existence. The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer and the missing link in the chain of evolution.
2016-06-08 11:35 pm
In the Holy Bible it describes how God made Earth and the Sun

- It also describe how snakes, donkeys and bushes can talk, several of many fantasies.

But scientists describe The Big Bang happening and our universe being born.

- Stuff you can see and prove.
2016-06-08 11:33 pm
There is no reason God can't create with a big boom.

The funny thing about Scientists, is they believe that given enough time, one day we will have enough technology to create our own planets and solar systems. But they refuse to believe that it may have already happened and we are the result.

I just find it funny.
2016-06-08 11:14 pm
Why couldn't God have created the Big Bang? He spoke and 'bang' things came into existence.
2016-06-08 11:12 pm
There is no conflict between true religion and true science. Truth cannot conflict with truth. Jesus Christ founded ONE Church, said it was to remain ONE, and promised that ONE Church, and no other, the fullness of truth. One might expect then, that the teaching of that ONE Church would never conflict with any natural truth revealed by science. And guess what! It doesn't!

Catholic biologist
2016-06-08 11:09 pm
I think when we understand both the Bible and nature (science) correctly there will be no "collisions".

The Big Bang is the same thing as "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth."
Prior to the 1930's it was only the Bible that stated that the universe had a beginning.
Aristotle had stated the universe (cosmos) was "static" and eternal.
Many scientists of the time, including the editor of 'Nature', worked to undermine the idea because it was "too theological".
Einstein put a factor into his equations of General Relativity so it would not necessitate a universe with a beginning. (He later called it his "greatest blunder".)

Here are some YouTube vids of Oxford professor of mathematics, John Lennox, speaking on the question of science and theology. You may find them interesting.
2016-06-08 11:08 pm
First thing, Genesis isn't meant to be taken literally. Kinda like we cant read a book of poetry like we read a chemistry textbook. I was taught that the purpose of Genesis was to tell that the story of Creation started with God. I also don't think it contradicts science.
“The Big Bang, which is today posited as the origin of the world, does not contradict the divine act of creation; rather, it requires it”, he stated. (Pope Francis)
The Big Bang theory started with Georges Lemaître, a Belgian priest who proposed that the expanding universe can be traced back to an original point.
"As a preposition, the universe was originally contained within a single point, in a highly intense state of heat and density. As the universe began to expand it cooled, allowing the formation of subatomic particles, which began a series of physical cosmological processes, which led eventually to the known universe. "
God is outside of time. Maybe our "days" are God's "seconds." But it's interesting that the Big Bang started at one point and from that one point, there was still a process in which the universe came to be such as in Genesis. When God said "Let there be light" maybe the response was with a Bang. And in that Bang, under God's command, was the rest of creation.
2016-06-08 11:06 pm
Truth is the bible NEVER describes how God made the earth and sun and moon! Now before you call me a liar just read Gennisis 1:1 In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth! All it does from then on is describe the progression of its creation from there until relatively normal times. Now whether it is supposed to mean seven literal days or not or whether it's just a parable/metaphoric device to describe a very long time passing is debatable going back to the first century B.C.E. and not the 14th century A.D. as some would suggest ( kind of like the misconception in science that man came streight from chimpanzees) So you have your question answered and you can either believe that science trumps religion or that science is a conspiracy to thwart and overthrow religion or you can believe that the two are compatable, The truth you believe is yours to choose but I have told you the truth.
2016-06-08 11:03 pm
They fit perfectly for me , as science explains what religion was trying to explain , energy driven evolution explains creation and how we got here , evolutional of the human brain explains the development of negative/harmful thought and action once called sin , science explains how belief in and practice of goodness reduces sin , increasing goodness increases save-ability of consciousness as an Evolutional Goodhist it is a merging its just a matter of getting everyone else to see it.
2016-06-08 10:57 pm
Science knows because of evidences that mach and concur.
The bible has absolutely nothing in terms of proof.

I feel it is easy to see where the truth has to be.
2016-06-08 11:10 pm
Oh,,,,so where did the atom come from that exploded into the BIG BANG,& created the universes & everything in them⁉️

The BIG BANG atom magically appeared out of nowhere...YEAH RIGHT‼️

Sounds a lot like the 1 cell organisms that magically appeared out of nowhere to start evolution,,,,with no food to eat,mind you.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA‼️‼️‼️
2016-06-08 10:57 pm
When Religion tries to be science (not taking kids to doctors)

and when science tries to religion(evolution and all origin THEORIES)

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