IF YOU SEE 2 WOMEN KISSING IN PUBLIC with arms around each other- will you LIKE IT OR DISLIKE?

2016-06-08 9:21 pm

回答 (327)

2016-06-08 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
nothing. if they are sexy, you cant help but look
2016-06-09 5:05 pm
I don't like see ANY COUPLE getting into deep public displays of affection.

A quick kiss, or an arm around someone isn't so bad, but when it starts getting down and dirty,
for the sake of others, get a damn room!
2016-06-11 12:11 pm
Kissing is a form of slutation in some socities . This is hugging and kissing .Probably it can be two close friends who have met each other after a long time . It was such a surprise that they completely forgot about where they were and started kissing each other with arms around . Whether to like it or dislike is none of the business of an onlooker . Just leave them alone and move on . There is nothing to be so inquisitive .It is something personal .
2016-06-10 7:54 pm
I'm not a fan of PDA at all. So I'm going to base this off of movies. When I see movies where the guy and girl kiss, I'm sort of like YES YES YES, if I like them together. If I saw 2 women kissing in some movie I wouldn't hate it, I think gay couples have a right to be happy but I wouldn't have that awww moment.
2016-06-11 5:31 am
I wouldn't like it or hate it..it's there business and there life. If being with each other Makes them happy then it's just wrong for someone to dislike it because. If they're happy why Tf would u care. And the people that say they dislike it because they're Christian..well I'm pretty sure God doesn't care as long as ur happy bc that's all he wants...but gender, age, really don't matter as long as you're happy. And it's really not your place to be in other people's love life anyways
2016-06-10 7:38 pm
It doesn't bother me because just think about. If you see 2 women kissing you probably think that that's gross. But if you see 2 men kissing you would probably think that that's gross. Maybe if you and your boyfriend or girlfriend kissed in public and gay people saw you kiss they would think that's gross just because it's not there sexuality. It's not your option to judge people. This is coming from a 12 year old.
2016-06-09 10:32 pm
Honestly, I don't like seeing ANYONE kissing passionately in PUBLIC. Why do they have to do it around people anyway?
Since I'm a Christian, my beliefs don't support homosexuals. I don't support gays, and I really don't like it either.
Plus, what if there's kids around seeing 2 people of the same gender kissing? Wouldn't they get confused?
I just think there's no reason to be kissing in public around tons of people period.
2016-06-09 6:12 pm
I am sorry but stuff like this should be done indoors its like saying 2 guys should be able to screw each other in a park while children are playing on it....Their is a reason its called a persons private Life its meant to be private not a public display for everyone to watch
2016-06-10 5:23 pm
The two women have been given rights to do this and society is coming much more understandings about people's sexualities, I believe that out sexuality should not have a label, we love who we love, whether that's male or female or even both, the two women are brave and do not care what other people think which I think is a good thing. There is no need for judgement, we are who we are and we don't have to answer to anyone
2016-06-08 10:29 pm
Honestly, I'd dislike seeing /anyone/ making out in public - this goes for heterosexual couples too, of course.

I wouldn't make a big deal out of it or act like it's my business, though.
2016-06-09 2:39 am
Honestly, I'd dislike seeing anyone making out in public.

I wouldn't make a big deal out of it or act like it's my business, though.
2016-06-11 5:55 pm
2016-06-10 11:39 pm
Dislike. I am a Christian and I have my beliefs. Plus, I wouldn't even like two straight people kissing in public. It's public! I mean most people do that for attention.
2016-06-09 11:03 pm
it's uncomfortable, and has nothing to do with the fact that it's 2 women, but because anyone who's goin in like that in public just makes you feel awkward, what two people do behind closed doors is not my business and I couldn't care less but in public nah, saying that it's not like I'd ask them to stop or anything, I feel that would be disrespectful as they're not doung anything wrong really, just a slightly uncomfortable feeling comes with seeing 2 people playin tongue hockey in the street
2016-06-11 10:23 am
2016-06-12 6:53 am
2016-06-12 8:41 am
2016-06-11 2:58 pm
2016-06-12 4:42 am
All i gotta say is love is love it wouldn't be a problem if it was a girl and boy kissing so it shouldn't be a problem if it's girl on girl or boy on boy love is love too me i don't know about anybody else but me I think that its cool....i get disgusted regardless of who is kissing who if see anybody kissing in public if its a little kiss then its cool but long kisses ew get a room and save that for the bedroom.
2016-06-09 6:42 pm
Hetero/ homo and any other type of couples should keep their....intense intimacy indoors. Many people may get offended. Many may not.
They can peck eachother casually on their lips if the environment is not easily butthurt. Btu they might have to refrain from don't that too if the place has more butthurt people.
But personally speaking, I won't approach them and tell them to stop or encourage them further. It's none of my business, it's theirs and I respect that too.
2016-06-08 9:34 pm
I would think they're brave and cute.
2016-06-10 9:32 pm
I don t really like PDA (even if it s just a small hug between family members) but I wouldn t be any less okay with two women kissing in public than I would be with two men, a straight couple, or pretty much anybody else doing the same.
2016-06-09 11:05 pm
If it's a quick thing then sure, it shouldn't matter who they are or what they're doing. But if it's more passionate and would disturb other people, they need to find a different place for that.
2016-06-11 12:07 am
2016-06-08 9:32 pm
Dislike it, because smushy PDA's even in heterosexual relationships should have a time and place - go home and smother each other, not in front of everyone else.
2016-06-12 2:07 am
Probably am going to get a lot of hate for this but dislike. It like any form of PDA- I dislike all of it. There are things that I don't mind like holding hands is fine and maybe a kiss but full on making out is disturbing. And for the girl on girl situation- it's not something that you see everyday so it would be different for sure.
2016-06-13 8:26 pm
2016-06-13 5:47 pm
2016-06-11 7:47 pm
I would dislike if it was a long passionate draw out kiss -and it has nothing to do with them being two women. I keep pda to a minimum out in public. Handholding is find, a quick kiss when you first meet someone is also fine. Anything beyond that should be kept for private.
2016-06-12 4:10 am
2016-06-09 6:53 pm
I will love to see 2 women kissing in public yo! matter of fact I'll get in the middle of them kissing & join the action g! Word up homie!
2016-06-10 4:19 am
Sorry, but I don't particularly wanna see anyone making out in public- (gay, lesbian, straight or otherwise!) It's your private life, so keep it just that- (private!) Keep it behind locked doors, 'cos no-one else wants to see it, regardless of your sexuality! Peace and love. Be lucky.
2016-06-10 3:07 am
Well, I'd be happy for them that they're happy, but other than that, I don't really care too much. I wouldn't hide behind a tree and start faping, if that's what you're asking.
2016-06-12 2:34 am
參考: no offence to lesbians out there, but ew.
2016-06-12 12:38 am
I wouldn't dislike it at all, in fact I would think it's cute. I love seeing gay couples be affectionate with each other in public. I have no problem whatsoever with seeing two women kissing in public.
2016-06-10 10:01 pm
2016-06-08 9:50 pm
I'd tell them to get a ******* room, and I don't care if they get offended.
2016-06-08 9:33 pm
I think it's sweet, 2 people who obviously care about each other showing their affection for one another. It doesn't matter that they are the same sex.
2016-06-11 6:33 pm
I don't know why people support gays and lesbians it's opposite of human's nature . under the excuse of freedom people think that they can do everything they want i talked to a lot of women who had attracted to women and they said they put pressure on themselves in a period of their life and they got married with a man and now they have a good life since people support gays they are going to be TOO much.Why????
It's so disgusting and nasty!
A lot of people are going to be homosexual
2016-06-10 5:00 am
No. That's so weird, even if it were two straight people kissing, I wouldn't it. Who kisses in public? That's something you're supposed to do in privacy. No one wants to go out and see people kissing while they're eating or shopping.
2016-06-13 7:46 am
2016-06-08 9:28 pm
Whenever I've seen this happen, I've disliked it.

I'm sure, theoretically, there are two women I'd like to see kiss though.
2016-06-09 1:46 am
2 women kissing is gross,2 men kissing is gross, a man and woman kissing is not gross.
2016-06-08 9:33 pm
Love it if they're sexy asf or cute asf

Not feeling it if they look like 2 dudes or any of em look like a dude. Eww
2016-06-13 4:18 pm
I wouldn't give a ****.
What they do doesn't effect me in any way.
2016-06-12 5:44 pm
none of your business
2016-06-12 8:23 am
Honestly wouldn't phase me much I mean love is love and shouldn't be judged just because it's by certain people.
2016-06-12 7:39 am
I'd mind my own business bc if it were a man and a woman we prob wouldn't even care or ask this question.
2016-06-12 5:14 am
I'm a girl and seeing two girls together is hot yes but common now even my lesbian self doesn't want to see a make out session ????????
2016-06-12 2:50 am
I wouldn't care. I would just keep walking where I'm going.
2016-06-11 10:10 pm
It's not a question of "liking" or "disliking". Unless your homophobic -which I think no one should be, after all, people should be who they really are inside, and not be banned for that- I think it should be fine for two lesbians or gays to kiss or hug in public, as well as two straight people.
2016-06-11 9:05 pm
2016-06-11 9:00 pm
I wouldn't care but I'd rather EVERYONE keep the PDA away from me. Nothing to do with gender
2016-06-11 4:05 pm
It's up to them. It's a free country.
2016-06-11 3:50 pm
Why should I like it or dislike it? It would simply be two people kissing in public. The fact that they are women shouldn't really matter.
2016-06-11 2:04 pm
i will like and also record it for private use.
2016-06-11 2:01 pm
Me and my penis will vomit.
2016-06-10 2:15 pm
It depends on if they're making out or if they're just lightly kissing for a second. Since homosexuality is becoming more accepted and it exists weather people want it to or not, I think it is good for kids to be exposed to healthy homosexual relationships. This scenario would be fine as long as they weren't just full on making out, ewe, no one wants to see that, weather it was two girls, two guys, or a guy and a girl.
2016-06-10 9:55 am
2016-06-10 6:15 am
I will probably feel uncomfortable and walk away. But this applies to anyone kissing like this in public regardless - W2W (woman 2 woman), M2M (man 2 man) or M2W (man to woman)
2016-06-10 4:23 am
I don't like peoples making that kissing noise it gets me mad but its alright for peoples to kiss unless I'm far away from them lol
2016-06-09 10:28 pm
I would tell them to get a room. Just like I would tell a girl and guy to get a room.
2016-06-09 6:43 pm
If it's a full make out session I wouldn't like it (any type of couple). Casual kissing, I don't care.
2016-06-09 8:04 am
Love always wins.
2016-06-09 4:58 am
Wouldn't matter to me.
2016-06-12 7:14 am
2016-06-11 5:04 am
I wouldn't really care, and I don't think anyone should really talk about as if it was weird or different enough to have a conversation about. Honestly why ask people for their opinions on the matter when you could just not and stick with your own opinion.
2016-06-10 4:00 am
It annoys me seeing anyone kiss in public
2016-06-10 1:23 am
2016-06-09 1:20 pm
Only a standard greeting kiss! sexually it is not right certainly in public, and otherwise too! Regardless of the easing of perversions over the vast decades of mankind.
2016-06-09 1:59 am
I wouldn't care. However if they were getting all up in my business I would cuss them out so bad they would both go cry to their mommies and suck on their titties
2016-06-08 9:31 pm
ignore and walk away with my dignity still intact knowing i'll live a life of single blessedness
2016-06-08 9:29 pm
well, women have rights. they have the rights to hug and kiss in public without being harassed. if it happens, there is nothing you can do. even if kids are around
2016-06-08 11:35 pm
I may dislike it but there isn't much I can do about it. I even dislike when heterosexual couples show too much affection in public. .
2016-06-11 12:16 am
It depends if they're hot. As a guy I find it hot. But as a Christian I'm against homosexuality.
2016-06-13 8:45 am
2016-06-14 3:02 am
Personally I would be indifferent.
2016-06-14 1:31 am
Each to there own... I think if it makes you happy feel and isn't hurting anyone then do what feels natural
2016-06-14 12:40 am
I like that everyone of the same sex should do it all the time in public would be a better place
2016-06-13 10:47 pm
2016-06-13 8:35 pm
Is there a problem in being guy? I don't see anything wrong with that. You don't have to judge people.
2016-06-13 8:31 pm
I would like it. It's just that they might want to go somewhere private, because others may not like it.
2016-06-13 8:11 pm
Some people dislike it so much that they will shoot them
2016-06-13 7:23 pm
Why ask the question. Its just a gender
2016-06-13 5:57 pm
You cannot simply like or dislike this in fact I honestly wouldn't care. It would be like a girl and a guy or a guy and a guy in this society it happens all around us people have to learn to accept it
2016-06-13 5:38 pm
2016-06-13 4:17 pm
I have no objection with the gay or lesbian community ( I am probably bi myself) but I usually feel a bit grossed out to see a person shoving her tongue down someone else's. But you know, every one is free to do what they want.
2016-06-13 2:35 pm
I would look at them for a second and then just ignore it
2016-06-13 1:13 pm
I would whip my peepee out and vigorously jack the ever loving sprinkle-speckle outta it until I came in the shape of harambe the gorilla.
參考: Personal experience
2016-06-13 11:53 am
2016-06-13 11:41 am
I dislike it. I dislike all displayed affection in public equally though, unless it's a parent consoling a small child, I am neutral on that.
2016-06-13 9:42 am
I'd be so turned on. I'd become so wet.
2016-06-13 9:39 am
I would not care
2016-06-13 8:35 am
Dislike. Not because they're gay, just because PDA is gross to me. I wouldn't want to see a straight couple making out either.
2016-06-13 7:59 am
Give me a Chance.................
2016-06-13 6:59 am
I will mind my own business.
2016-06-13 6:54 am
Shouldn't matter. Don't look if you
Don't like it.
2016-06-13 6:44 am
i would care
2016-06-13 6:33 am
I hate pda
2016-06-13 5:55 am
I wouldn't mind it at all. I mean, hell, in all the times I've seen girl-girl interactions, I've never seen them use the phrase "no homo" the way guys do.
2016-06-13 5:36 am
Dislike, but idk it's none of my business; I have nothing wrong with gays, I wouldn't just stare and glare I'd just walk past them just like any other couple.
2016-06-13 5:35 am
Nether. I would just mind my own business.
2016-06-13 5:28 am
be grossed
2016-06-13 4:45 am
Third option: Don't care. It's none of my business, unless it is very overtly sexual, and then it would make me uncomfortable. But a heterosexual couple doing the same thing would also make me uncomfortable.
2016-06-13 4:33 am
Depends on my mood, but I wont give a sht
2016-06-13 4:29 am
I don't like any public displays of affection so I would dislike it I don't like same sex affection. sorry don't want to upset anyone .
2016-06-13 3:41 am
love is love, that's none of my business !! (also, whether you support homosexuality or not, please pray/send love/mourn/think about/whatever those who were killed this weekend in Orlando !! it was definitely a hate crime but no matter who they loved, they were innocent people. please keep them in your hearts and thoughts)
2016-06-13 3:25 am
2016-06-13 2:26 am
Not natural two same sex persons be acting this way.
2016-06-13 2:20 am
I literally don't even care
參考: my brain
2016-06-13 1:59 am
I'll throw an apple at them
2016-06-13 1:34 am
If it's like most of the lesbians I see around: Dislike.
2016-06-13 12:00 am
Depends,are they hot ?
2016-06-12 11:48 pm
I personally would ask them if they had any other lesbian friends. I am single and ready to mingle.
2016-06-12 11:41 pm
I'm not allowed to answer this question because the question deleters are prejudiced against Christian beliefs!
2016-06-12 11:06 pm
Don't care. I'm not personally into PDA, but I don't really give a crap if other people do it.
2016-06-12 11:01 pm
I would mind my own buisness
2016-06-12 9:57 pm
I honestly couldn't care less. Same for any PDA
2016-06-12 9:53 pm
Don't like
2016-06-12 9:43 pm
2016-06-12 9:37 pm
Couldn't care less honestly... I'm not really a fan of PDA unless I'm involved... Just based on the fact 2 women are kissing? Honestly I don't care, I'd just prefer to not see anyone playing with each others tonsils with any variation of m & f...
2016-06-12 9:26 pm
Me likey
2016-06-12 8:06 pm
I wouldn't care, it's their life not yours so who would I be to judge them? They are their own person with their own intentions so why should I get involved? #gaypride
2016-06-12 6:45 pm
Love it.
2016-06-12 5:29 pm
Like it. Why is it your place to make someone that's clearly in love feel awkward and bad about being in love. Humans are humans. We can kiss/cuddle whoever we please
2016-06-12 5:10 pm
2016-06-12 3:17 pm
If you dislike it you better learn to just deal. We live in a world today where people who are gay have the same rights as people who are straight. It's one thing to not like it because your not a fan of PDA, but it's different if you don't like it because they are gay. It personally doesnt bother me. If they are happy then who cares.
2016-06-12 2:40 pm
Is this a poll? I wouldn't happen to like it.
2016-06-12 12:46 pm
Love is love and sexuality is something that you cant change. So I would feel happy for them and not judge.
2016-06-12 11:41 am
2016-06-12 11:30 am
I wouldn't care, Who cares if it was a male and female, female and female or male and male, they aren't bothering me, or shoving it in my face, so there's no reason to really be bothered or mad.
2016-06-12 10:03 am
That depends on the situation. For many it is a natural form of greeting.
Personally,I am not keen on seeing too much open affection in public...
male to female or two of the same sex
2016-06-12 9:44 am
2016-06-12 9:14 am
2016-06-12 9:08 am
Depends on how attractive they are to be honest.
2016-06-12 8:56 am
I will like because love shown in public settings influences positive and compassionate feelings towards others gay lesbian or straight
2016-06-12 8:15 am
PDA - Dislike
Them being Lesbian - good for them, Like
2016-06-12 7:57 am
I don't really care. Doesn't hurt me or affect me in any type of way. They could do any type of affection and it's not my business. I'm a guy who's not into lesbians or bisexual women anyways. I like straight girls, period.
2016-06-12 7:50 am
Dislike, bc it happens in public.
2016-06-12 5:42 am
Yes,because it's normal in some community
2016-06-12 5:05 am
I won't like or dislike, you do you bruh
2016-06-12 5:01 am
I wouldn't care I say let them be and stop judging let them be happy all these people who say dislike really don't actually see it love is love they are happy. Honestly people let them be happy and accept the fact that you can't do ****
2016-06-12 4:46 am
I would be fine with it because im PDA and its normal for heterosexual couples to do this in public why would it be wrong for a queer couple and if you're not okay with it then dont look at them.
2016-06-12 4:45 am
my opinion is: two women, two men or a woman and a man, you can only hope you end up like them, quit judging what they are doing and cherish that someone found someone that they love, life's short, be lucky to find someone you can be in public with and kiss, or that would want to be with you in public kissing you!
2016-06-12 4:26 am
I wouldn't have an opinion. Same as if a guy and girl were kissing. Its no big deal. Just a couple sharing love for eachother
2016-06-12 4:23 am
None of my business....
2016-06-12 4:09 am
2016-06-12 3:42 am
I would like it the same I would like to see any two people kissing, but that's not the point you shouldn't be so sexist the fact that you said two women just say that you are a sexist person. You should stop worrying about who is kissing whom and worry about your life.
2016-06-12 3:17 am
I remain neutral. If they were lovers, there is no problem like man and women
2016-06-12 2:49 am
I wear gay blinders
2016-06-12 2:46 am
2016-06-12 2:17 am
Unfortunately, it would gross me out tbh. I wish I wasn't so bias but it's hard to control
2016-06-12 2:07 am
I wouldn't look.
2016-06-12 1:52 am
I don't care. You do you.
2016-06-12 1:41 am
I mean,I don't really like seeing anybody making out in public cuz like,why would I? If it's not super sexual I honestly don't care
2016-06-12 12:58 am
What ever makes you happy
2016-06-12 12:56 am
girls do this at college and i dislike it
2016-06-12 12:43 am
I dont like it when I see anyone kissing like that in public TBH????
2016-06-12 12:42 am
Who gives a flying **** its just as if it were a guy and a girl it's just a kiss they aren't killing anyone so I'd love it. ????????
2016-06-12 12:35 am
Wouldn't care, I got better things to care and worry about
2016-06-12 12:30 am
Like ;)
2016-06-11 11:31 pm
It doesn't matter what anyone thinks because it's not our business
2016-06-11 11:02 pm
I will neither like or dislike it if I don't know either of the women.
2016-06-11 10:51 pm
it is okay ..they are free to do whatever they feel like doing ..who am i to judge ? and i think i will like to see any 2 ppl in love
2016-06-11 10:42 pm
I wouldn't mind. I mean that's a free country. Are they hurting me? No. Are they hurting others? No. Love is freedom.I dont' wanna sound like some hippie but truth is if they're not hurting anybody why should we care?
2016-06-11 10:38 pm
I think it's sweet when I see ANYONE holding hands and kissing. (As long as it's not overboard)
2016-06-11 10:27 pm
Depends if they are making out or a peck. If they are making out dislike and if it's is just a pack I don't care. If you are gay great! Don't listen to the people saying that gay people are gross, you should be happy that you are gay
2016-06-11 10:20 pm
Idk Lol
2016-06-11 9:41 pm
Uhh I guess like
2016-06-11 9:31 pm
Id watch
2016-06-11 9:23 pm
I wouldn't care and just keep moving on with my day.
2016-06-11 9:19 pm
Probably wll dislike. My best frend lost his wife to a woman. It really hurt him really bad.
2016-06-11 7:57 pm
I would masterbate
2016-06-11 7:57 pm
I would neither like it nor dislike it. It is up to them Better kissing than fighting
2016-06-11 7:48 pm
People can do what they want.
2016-06-11 7:29 pm
its doesn't matter to me but I don't like seeing any couple kissing in public
2016-06-11 7:14 pm
like,lesbians are hot
2016-06-11 7:13 pm
Same as two men kissing: Gross.
2016-06-11 6:45 pm
I would like it
2016-06-11 6:41 pm
if i see any two individuals kissing in public with their arms around eachother i would dislike it. it doesnt matter if its a male&female, female&female, or male&male. I think kissing should be something you should do in private rather than where everyone can see it, unless its just a quick peck on the lips or something.
2016-06-11 6:21 pm
Don't care.
2016-06-11 6:15 pm
I wouldn't care.
2016-06-11 5:36 pm
Same as 2 guys kissing in public.
I wouldn't like it and if anyone pointed it out that it was cool, then ask them to watch them for a minute, and see how cool they think it is then. Yuck
2016-06-11 5:14 pm
I wouldn't mind really ;)
2016-06-11 4:00 pm
Like or Dislike? Is life Facebook outside the confines, of internet? We still don't have a dislike button. I would try not to not pay any attention to them.
2016-06-11 3:36 pm
I wouldn't care. Big deal yaaaaawwwnnn.
2016-06-11 3:23 pm
I don't care it's those life
2016-06-11 2:31 pm
2016-06-11 2:04 pm
Dislike, just like a guy and a girl kissing in public as well. Not a fan of PDA in general!
2016-06-11 1:34 pm
nothing to do with me
2016-06-11 1:18 pm
Ain't got a problem with it!
2016-06-11 12:26 pm
Honestly I would dislike it but it's not like find it unright there isn't such a thing its just I would feel a bit uncomfortable myself
2016-06-11 12:22 pm
Its not your business or anyone elses business what other people do , its their life , Just like you would not like other people to judge you , you shouldnt judge other people.
2016-06-11 11:56 am
Hmmm, I'd feel awkward
2016-06-11 11:46 am
yes i like
2016-06-11 11:06 am
I don't like public displays of affection, man and woman, woman and woman or man and man I don't care just avoid slobbering in public!
2016-06-11 10:41 am
yeah i would ask to join them too LOL XD
2016-06-11 9:40 am
2016-06-11 9:27 am
I don't like PDA so I wouldn't like watching it, but that's no different for a straight couple. I mean I don't have a problem with people who like the same gender. Who cares? Plus I've seen a few cute couples that are like two guys and two girls in some shows. I don't get this question.
2016-06-11 9:13 am
id like it hehe xd
2016-06-11 8:10 am
It wouldn't be nice to just look at them the whole time they are making out. I wont look its not my job to watch people make out. I feel awkward just seeing anyone kiss in public. I don't mind PDA as long as its family friendly PDA.
2016-06-11 7:36 am
2016-06-11 6:54 am
I don't care. I will accept it. There's already enough heterosexual people in the world.
2016-06-11 6:38 am
I wouldn't care, its their business, and I think if to people love each other there's nothing wrong with it, nor would I care if it to be two men as its sexist and discrimination,, love has no wrinkles or boundary's,
2016-06-11 6:06 am
Not a fan of PDA. Holding hands or a normal kiss is fine, though- but when people start making out in public, that's too much. That applies equally to straight couples as to gay or Lesbian.

Heterosexual guys do get turned on by Lesbians. Remember George Costanza on Seinfeld, with his Lesbian sightings? Only in his case, one of them turned out to be his ex-GF and he was freaked out he might have pushed her to the other side (funny episode).
2016-06-11 5:47 am
I would say I'm okay with it and for it if they truly love each other, although I prefer straight couples, I don't exactly have "feelings" for either.
2016-06-11 5:33 am
Aye none of my business...let them be
2016-06-11 5:07 am
Hot af
2016-06-11 5:01 am
Well, I assume they're lesbians, so... Eh. Indifferent.
2016-06-11 4:54 am
I don't care
2016-06-11 4:50 am
;) u bet
2016-06-11 4:42 am
I wouldn't really care
2016-06-11 4:39 am
I would just look the other way.
2016-06-11 3:51 am
2016-06-11 3:50 am
Dislike because they are pushing their life style onto me
2016-06-11 3:43 am
Love ;)
2016-06-11 3:35 am
I will look away and keep my comment to myself
2016-06-11 3:24 am
We should live our life and let others live their life unless they are not harming us. I am not a lesbian and that sounds disgusting. People of the same sex are not meant for each other, they can't have proper sex and can't produce children, but again, let them do whatever they want.
2016-06-11 3:17 am
It is fine. I do no judge others. The women wouldn't be hurting anyone. They have a right to be however they want.
2016-06-11 3:16 am
Well, in all honesty, its really none of your business what goes on in other peoples love lives.
2016-06-11 3:15 am
i would think they're looking for notice
2016-06-11 3:12 am
I don't care for gay. I'm against it all the way, but what two other people do is none of my business, so I would dislike it, but I would ignore it. Do what you do.
2016-06-11 2:44 am
I don't care what they do, as long as no one cares that I kiss my boyfriend in public.
2016-06-11 1:56 am
I wouldn't even think about it, it doesn't phase me! Although some public displays of affection are just bleh in general
2016-06-11 1:13 am
2016-06-11 1:08 am
I won't care
2016-06-11 1:05 am
My reply to them: Excuse me, may I join you? My tongue is very active.
2016-06-11 12:58 am
Dislike, but it's not my problem and it's not yours
2016-06-11 12:53 am
Don't care, as long as that's all they do in public . . .
2016-06-11 12:52 am
I hate the guys saying if they are hot you shouldn't and don't have to be hot for a guy to like it and you shouldn't and don't have to be attractive to be hot to for guys to like it.
2016-06-11 12:41 am
Dislike, we would have a 11 1/2 year old son today if it were possible and we give thanks our child would never have to be taught these things by parents who are Christians.
2016-06-11 12:35 am
I'd yell "hell yeah, MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN!" ????????
2016-06-10 11:50 pm
I would disprove not because it's two women (I'm bisexual, so I obviously have nothing against lesbians) but because I'm against PDA in general. I think that's private behavior that should be saved for home.
2016-06-10 11:38 pm
This isn't social media, the opinion of liking it or not is irrelevant you can't just stick a massive thumbs up on someone because you agree with them
2016-06-10 11:37 pm
I will not give 2 shits that's what I'm gonna do. I will not care and so should most people
2016-06-10 11:08 pm
I would react the same way I would if I saw a guy and a girl kissing. I'd think it was cute, but I don't think I'd LIKE or DISLIKE it.
2016-06-10 11:08 pm
I would like it of course I am probably one of those woman...
2016-06-10 10:58 pm
I am not one for public displays of affection out of respect for others. No matter if it is two women, two men or a man and a woman. A small display such as an embrace and short kiss is fine. However, if you feel the need to make it long and drawn out please get a room.
2016-06-10 10:45 pm
A girl
2016-06-10 9:43 pm
I love seeing two people in love, regardless of their genders.
2016-06-10 9:09 pm
Everyone should not judge others, les they be judged!
2016-06-10 8:48 pm
2016-06-10 8:47 pm
Neither. I wouldn't care
2016-06-10 7:05 pm
I'd think "Each to their own" and walk on
2016-06-10 6:57 pm
Thats Nasty
2016-06-10 6:37 pm
i would like it, because i like love, if was serious crazy making out i might feel weird because its ackward in public
2016-06-10 6:27 pm
I can't say I dislike it, but since its sth totally unnatural and NOT normal (although some people try to convince others it is) I may feel they are weird. and If they are super pretty I may feel I lost my chance for two girls in the world (feel of regret) :D
PS: I say its weird to be gay (if u meant that!) bc :even of sb says its human nature and its not weird, I can't believe it! suppose I am a girl and I say I am born with a natural instinct to be attract to a group of men and only an ORGY turns me on/satisfies me, is it also not weird?!
2016-06-10 5:33 pm
Neither. I'm indifferent to public displays of affection. When people are tender with their words, it makes my heart cheer for that. Stop looking to others for your gratification, or sense of acceptance. I don't care if you like seeing this stuff, or not.
2016-06-10 5:12 pm
I wouldn't care. The personal relationships of complete strangers are none of my business.
2016-06-10 4:46 pm
Not my business.
2016-06-10 4:15 pm
Like it and I like it if two bisexual guy's kissing each other that's so freaking hot and sexy
2016-06-10 4:14 pm
Off course ....i don"t like this...........thanks
2016-06-10 3:03 pm
I wouldn't like it nor dislike it because it's none of my business and my opinion wouldn't be relevant to them anyway
2016-06-10 2:48 pm
I would like it
2016-06-10 2:26 pm
Well for me i know i only attracted to those fly *** white meat type women so if it was two of those then he'll yea
2016-06-10 1:59 pm
He'll I'm that woman lmao me now my wife always r
2016-06-10 1:58 pm
homosexual or heterosexual, talk about equality and get a room.
2016-06-10 1:13 pm
I'd ask to join
2016-06-10 12:28 pm
Doesn't matter how
2016-06-10 12:09 pm
2016-06-10 11:42 am
I wouldn't really like it to much because they should be doing it somewhere else other than public and to be honest it's kind of disgusting. But I wouldn't walk up to them and tell them to stop I'll just look away.
2016-06-10 11:28 am
Like or Dislike? Is this a Facebook thing? Do I need to use my phone to "Like" it?
2016-06-10 10:19 am
i really don't ******* care
2016-06-10 10:11 am
Of course I will like it.
2016-06-10 9:16 am
Shiet I don't even pay attention to them nor stare at them.
2016-06-10 8:04 am
I don't care. I would look away.
2016-06-10 6:54 am
It doesn't bother me really, as long as I am not with my mum or sisters. Kissing and holding hands is very normal in western culture so you should get used to it.
2016-06-10 6:51 am
2016-06-10 6:45 am
no opinion.
2016-06-10 6:41 am
never i like it
2016-06-10 6:23 am
A little trashy honestly. Leave that s*it for the privacy of your house, straight or gay. I guess you could say atleast they're not spreading their cockhungry t*at for the purpose of framing a man with a damned kid. Yeah, but still............
2016-06-10 4:43 am
I would love it....
2016-06-10 2:06 am
I dont like public displays of affection for any couple.
2016-06-10 2:02 am
Nobody of any sexuality or gender should do that
2016-06-10 1:51 am
2016-06-10 1:40 am
Men will like it if the two women are hot. Men will hate it if they are not hot.
Women will dislike it for being rude.
2016-06-10 1:33 am
honestly I wouldn't really care, it's none of my business anyways if they start kissing or something in public.
2016-06-09 11:45 pm
2016-06-09 11:41 pm
They all remind me I m single.Duh!!
2016-06-09 11:01 pm
2016-06-09 10:49 pm
I wont feel anyway about it
2016-06-09 10:30 pm
Depends on situation
2016-06-09 10:27 pm
Hahaha that would be hilarious
2016-06-09 9:52 pm
I don't really care one way or the other...it has nothing to do with me, and I am free to look away.
2016-06-09 6:28 pm
dislike it
2016-06-09 10:29 am
Doesn't matter. If I stare any longer, my girlfriend will probably slap me awake. Lol
2016-06-09 10:21 am
It's none of my business and I have no right to judge people I don't know.
2016-06-09 8:53 am
I could care less.
2016-06-09 4:05 am
I don't really care when people kiss, so neither.
2016-06-09 1:53 am
Like it. It is beautiful for people to show that they love each other.
2016-06-08 11:51 pm
I'll like that they love each other and are comfortable enough to show that in public. Any PDAs make me kind of uncomfortable, though, if they go OTT about it.
2016-06-13 3:55 pm
Absolutely dislike
2016-06-12 8:32 pm
2016-06-12 5:08 pm
WHO GIVES A CRAP. Lesbians//Gays are entitled to the same privileges as heterocouples and shouldn't be discriminated against..... Also women who are not gay can also be very physically affectionate (but not necessarily in a sexual way).... It's not uncommon for female friends to hold hands/link arms while walking- and it's also not uncommon for them to kiss in greeting/saying goodbye (a peck not a full-blown make out of course!!)
2016-06-12 3:46 pm
2016-06-12 9:04 am
I would call the police.i would sue the state...and i wouldn t make baby,until they dont cut the law.
2016-06-11 10:11 pm
Depends if they're attractive
2016-06-11 9:49 pm
Like xD
參考: I'm lesbian
2016-06-11 5:32 pm
Depends, if they are ugly then nope

If they are hot then yupp

Lesbians and Gays (I am against it) Hate me all you want, Gays and lesbo are wrong and same goes for bi people too
2016-06-11 5:02 pm
Dislike. Its not natural and being gay is mental problem. It was proven that woman who like woman get the gene from their father and men who like men get that gene from their mother. So being gay is a problem with your brain.
2016-06-11 2:10 pm
2016-06-11 3:34 am
Actually seen it on a street in New York City...They were absolutely stunning girls....Didn t bother me much.Nothing wrong with giving someone special a kiss in public.
2016-06-10 9:38 pm
Just my opinion but I think lesbians should reflect feminine nature.It seems normal to see 2 women dressed and looking like women kiss.Either one of both of them looking really butch and kissing is really out of place.This kind of transitions into that question 'are homosexuals that try to reflect an opposite gender...crossdressers'?
2016-06-10 9:29 pm
post if they'r cute.

i mean are they Amber Heard look alikes?

then yes, they made the grade into my cell phone collection.

[some girls have all the luck!]
2016-06-10 2:48 pm
If they look like Amber Heard, yes; if not, no.
2016-06-10 4:15 am
I very dislike this and all the homosexual they are sick people do not go close to them
2016-06-10 1:34 am
It depends on how hot they are aha! But I have no problem with it. Honestly, they can do that if they so choose. Some people might get offended but whatever
2016-06-10 1:00 am
2016-06-10 12:40 am
i will dislike it
2016-06-09 8:54 pm
2 guys are hotter than two girls
2016-06-09 6:40 pm
Like ;)
2016-06-09 5:54 pm
I quite like seeing people kiss in public, whoever they are and whatever relationship they have.
2016-06-09 5:21 am
id be like "omg " Like in the vines but in whispering tone and Just not give a **** im Bisexual And i have friends who are lesbians and i dont give a **** what their Sexuality is
2016-06-08 11:59 pm
10/10 fap material
2016-06-08 10:25 pm
2016-06-08 9:31 pm
I would myob
2016-06-08 9:22 pm
well, just look and say nothing. no emotion at all
2016-06-12 7:40 am
2016-06-09 7:37 pm
It's a big turn on!
2016-06-09 6:26 pm
gay gay gay gay
2016-06-09 8:12 am
tbh i see it as pretty hot
2016-06-09 4:39 am
I would like it, nothing better then two women getting it on so I approve big time.
2016-06-09 8:20 pm
I like it if they let me join in and beat guts. If not, I just start shouting homophobic slurs and throwing objects at them like a Trump protester. Use the correct bathroom!
2016-06-09 5:51 am
It would be a "WTF" moment. If they were two attractive females I may look a little longer, but it'd be a glance at best otherwise.
2016-06-08 10:04 pm
Bust out the lotion
2016-06-08 9:35 pm
ask to get involved
2016-06-08 9:29 pm
If I can get involved why not.
2016-06-08 9:24 pm
nobody should kissing in public, is childish... keep your hormons in the paints fella

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