how to extend notice to vacate my apartment?

2016-06-08 8:11 am
i have been living in my apartment for almost two years and before this time i was homeless and on the street. once i purchased my apartment the tenant under me would constantly call security, stating i am making noise or that i have people living in my apartment. she has come to my door yelling at me saying that she is the one whose been calling security and complaining and that she wants me thrown out. she has also said sexually inappropriate things about me and my girlfriend to who comes to visit from time to time to my face. its been numerous times security have knocked on my door and became angry, because she would say i am making noise and they come over, but there was none. my landlord would keep giving me complaints and violations. i would always go and try to resolve the issue but they would not here it and now they have given me a notice to vacate for breach of lease! the notice to vacate does not even give me a full 30 days to leave i do not have enough money to start searching for a new apartment yet since i get social security and have spent all this months money on rent. i really need to know how i can get this extended, because if not i will become homeless

回答 (3)

2016-06-08 11:17 am
You forgot to say what your breach of the lease was or the nature of the complaints and violations. Rather than argue about them, you should have resolved them when they were brought to your attention. For example, if there were noise complaints, why did you not turn down the music/take off your shoes/buy carpet. If your girlfriend is spending more than two nights a week there, you need permission. It sounds as if the building has become totally fed up with you.

You have two choices now. You can attempt to fight this in court or you can leave quietly. Do not attempt to fight unless you are able to provide solid evidence that they have no grounds. The building will have documented every complaint. If you lose, you will have an eviction on your record. Even if you win, you will still be asked to leave at the end of your lease.

By the way, no matter when you leave you will always have to pay a full month's rent in advance and a deposit at the new place so start saving. Plan on a three month cushion of savings. If you cannot do that on what you now receive, get a job.
2016-06-08 7:40 pm
You cannot get it extended. A notice to vacate may not require 30 days. The 30 days' notice is required if he is not renewing your lease or if you are moving out at the end of your lease. In this case, 30 days may not applicable because he is evicting you for a lease violation. Your financial difficulty is not his problem. Strapping yourself like this was not very smart. You should not have rented a place that took every penny of your income. Find another place quickly (less costly) or find someone to leech off of for a brief time and put your belongings in storage until you can find another place. Personally, it sounds like you would be better off renting a room only or sharing an apartment. You cannot afford your own apartment.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2016-06-09 12:35 am
You cannot extend it. If the # of days they gave you to vacate is legal notice for your state then you do not get more time. If you fail to move out they can file an eviction in court & force you out. If you wait to be ordered out by the court you will have a hard time renting a decent place for 7 yrs.

In many states a 3 day notice for a lease violation is legal. FL only requires 15 days notice to vacate. Without knowing what state you are in we cannot say if less than 30 days is legal notice or not.
參考: Landlord since 2006

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