Why is my credit score on Experian 634 and it's 778 on credit karma? That is a huge difference?

2016-06-08 6:37 am

回答 (4)

2016-06-08 6:58 am
Because Credit Karma makes up its own scores. It does not matter what your Credit Karma score is. No credit card company in the world uses Credit Karma scores. Credit Karma makes up its own scores which are used only at Credit Karma and nowhere else in the world.

It costs a lot of money to find out the score that a credit card company would use. Credit Karma doesn't pay that money, so it cannot give out that score.
2017-04-07 3:47 am
For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://creditandfinancesolutions.info/index.html?src=5YAPZPovy3gpS1

RE :Why is my credit score on Experian 634 and it's 778 on credit karma? That is a huge difference?
Follow 4 answers
參考: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://creditandfinancesolutions.info/index.html?src=5YAPZPovy3gpS1
2016-06-08 8:32 am
Two reasons. First, creditkarma is for information only and they are not used by any lenders. You can use their score to monitor how your creditworthiness changes over time. Second, this is like saying water boils at 100 Celsius and 212 Fahrenheit and saying "that is a huge difference". Difference scales.
2016-06-08 7:27 am
Cause they can.
Doesn't matter unless you looking to get sold into credit score slavery.

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