2016-06-08 3:08 am
Hello, this evening I was almost attack by a pit bull. My sister and I was taking a walk together, but I saw a pit bull with an owner and I came up to pet the dog. The dog growled while he was walking towards me but I was still trying to pet him so he started barming really loud and he tried to attack my leg. He didn't even break my skin, I just think he tried to push me away because he felt frighten. I screamed in terror but my sister grabbed me away from the pit and she asked was I okay. She was scared to death also! I was never afraid of dogs nor any kind of animal and I am still not afraid of them, but I guess next time I can't touch just anybody's dog. I am not agianst pit bulls because I probably will just try to pet another pit bull if I see one lol. Anyways, have anybody else had that experience?

This is not the first time I been attack by a dog too and sorry I meant barking not barming hahahhahaha! Typo.


Okay u guys! I know that was stupid to do that but I'm sure some of you did worse! Smoking, partying, bullying, drinking, etc! So before u call me names like stupid, look at yourself! Anyways, I DID ASK THE OWNER TO PET THE DOG! IT WASN'T LIKE I JUST WENT OUT AND PET THE DOG, DID THE OWNER SAY TO ME OH NO BECAUSE HE MIGHT BITE? NO, HE JUST SAID I COULD PET HIM

回答 (15)

2016-06-08 4:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

If he actually touched you, he could have easily bitten you. He didn't want to. Maybe he was reacting to your fear? Some dogs do. Mine didn't, but I noticed that some people were very uneasy around him.

I probably won't get another Pit Bull, but mostly because some breeds are MUCH more trainable. Mine never got in a fight. He was viciously attacked by another dog in the park. I made the commitment, when I selected the breed AS GOOD OWNERS MUST, that he was not allowed unless one of us was in serious danger. I grabbed his collar with both hands and pulled his head down to the ground, so he couldn't fight. It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but it was RIGHT. He would have fought that dog. It would have been correct assessment by him, but not by me. That dog deserved a good ************ but not a severe injury. My dog was also slapped around hard by a street cat, once, while I was walking him. I raised him with two cats. He was fine with all of them, and that time he just cried and ran to me. It's normal for them to be even more loving than most dogs to people, most of the time.

There are a lot of documented attacks, though. I think the reason for the spike is that bad people love Pit Bulls because of their notoriety, and the undeniable physical capability. Bad owners raise bad dogs. Keep that in mind! When I see a Pit Bull, I go in cautiously. I don't claim to be an expert, but I'm sure I know more about them than the average American.
2016-06-08 3:16 am
I never just go up to someone's dog and reach out and try and pet it, it's almost a guaranteed way to get bitten, pitbull, Maltese, teacup poodle, Labrador, German shepherd dog.... Doesn't matter, canine breed. Why should a pit bull be any different than any other dog after all.

If you know so much sbout breeds and knew it was a pit bull then you should have known the owner should have had you stand quiet to meet and greet his dog, not lunge out at it snd try and grab at it (in the dogs point of view). Little wonder why it growled at you, it dos not know your intentions, it didn't get a chance to sniff you, get your scent, get permission from the owner to meet the dog.

Unfortunately you can't go blaming the breed at this one, it was pure human stupidity as how to handle or meet a strange dog. Sorry to be so blunt but most kids from kindergarten and first grade could tell you not just to reach out and grab at a strange dog or you will get bitten.
2016-06-08 3:43 am
It doesn't matter what the breed was. ANY breed might have reacted this way. What you did was stupid & thoughtless, not to mention: upsetting & insulting to the DOG! (Heaven forbid if it was a protective breed and thought you were threatening its owner!)

You should NEVER try to pet a dog WITHOUT asking PERMISSION from the owner, FIRST. How would you like it, if people tried to put their HANDS on you, or through your hair, or simply stepped "into YOUR SPACE" and intentionally...CROWDED you??
2016-06-08 8:50 am
This question is borderline troll question and I say that because you Sylvia, start off your question screaming in all CAPS and say that you almost get attacked by a "pitbull."

Again this borders on being a troll question because only trolls start questions that are all about controversy.

Can you Sylvia specify as to what what type of "pitbull" the dog is? Cause if you can't you are just like the rest of the news media that are quick to jump the gun on controversy and add more bad reputation to about five breeds of dog that fall under the "pitbull" category.

1.)My sister and I was taking a walk together, but I saw a pit bull with an owner and I came up to pet the dog. The dog growled while he was walking towards me."

And how were you and your sister approaching the dog? Were you acting nervous around the dog? Were you and your sister loud when you were walking towards the dog? Remember dogs are a predator and are related to wolves and acting nervous or anxious around like prey can make them react to you.

2.)"The dog growled while he was walking towards me but I was still trying to pet him so he started barming really loud and he tried to attack my leg."

Even though the owner gave you permission or so you say, how were you reaching out to the pet the dog? Did you Sylvia get down at his level so he can see your face and eyes and put your hand out slowly so he can sniff the back of your hand while you talked to him calmly? Once he stops sniffing and or licks your hand that is when you can pet him.

If you just immediately reach out and over him to pet him without him sniffing you first, he is reacting to his ancestral instincts that tell him you are a predatory animal going to harm him. You have to get down as his level first and allow him to sniff you and when he is done then you can pet him.

Screaming does not help the situation and only makes him excited and attack you more, because you are acting like a prey animal.

3.)" I guess next time I can't touch just anybody's dog."

Sounds like you did you get the owner's permission afterall and just proceeded to pet a dog that never met you before.

You don't just ask the owner of the dog while you you swoop down to pet their dog. This is NOT just dogs, this goes for any animal.

Let me ask you Sylvia. Do you just let any stranger hug you? would you like that o would you react by shoving the stranger back?
This is animal behavior 101. You ask for permission first. Then you approah slowly and get down on their level and slowly extend the back of your hand out and talk to the animal in a calm manner and let them sniff the back of your hand. Wait until they are done sniffing or start liking your hand before you pet them. This means they have accepted you and are willing to allow you to pet them.

4.)Okay u guys! I know that was stupid to do that but I'm sure some of you did worse! Smoking, partying, bullying, drinking, etc! So before u call me names like stupid, look at yourself!"

Just like a troll to get defensive. Do not compare any of that to what happened here. You were NOT attacked what you did made the dog react in self defense. Animals do NOT just attack for no reason. There are factors involved that explain why they attack.
2016-06-08 5:41 am
sorry , but you did get what you DESERVED, you CLOWN . 1 = pit bulls ARE very protective of their owners, 2 = NOBODY with a BRAIN , approaches ANY dog without ASKING the OWNER FIRSTLY at a small DISTANCE AWAY from the dog & owner & that GOES for ANY SIZE or TYPE of dog / PUPPY. 3 = It WAS a dog YOU didn't KNOW.
2016-06-08 3:21 am
You should never just go up to a person's dog and try to pet it without asking the owner, not ever! This happens all the time, and then the person gets bitten or worse, and then they try to sue the owner and have the dog euthanized, which is complete bullshit. That dog is probably a perfectly nice dog, si are most dogs, but if you just walk up to it when it doesn't know you and start touching it and getting close to its owner without saying anything it's going to get protective and defensive. Always ask.
2016-06-08 3:56 am
If you tried to walk up and pet my dog, it wouldn't be my dog that attacked you...
2016-06-08 3:20 am
Yes many years ago with a poodle and I learn't my lesson never try and pet a dog without asking the owner first.
2016-06-08 3:14 am
i havent but next time ask to pet the pitbull because some dogs will try to bit you, not just pitbulls they actually have the least bite rate on people labs have the highest
2016-06-10 2:57 am
Pitbulls are just as likely to attack as any other dog, they are turned aggressive by humans to create what they call "entertainment" dog fighting, not all pitbulls are like that unless they were owned by an abisive owner who used the dog for fights, otherwise it was probably out of fear just like any other dog.
2016-06-09 1:33 am
After the dog growled at you, you would think you would stop trying to pet him.

You're an idiot and natural selection is coming for you.
2016-06-08 11:04 pm
That sucks
2016-06-08 8:05 pm
For a next time you could just ask the owner...ohh he is so cute, does he bite? And if not you could just be aware of the tail. Dogs let know alot of there emotions by there tails. Even though these suggestions may sound weird they do work for me. And for more weird that it may sound if you do get attacked and your not alone tell the other person to kinda separate the pit bulls legs, this way he will let you go since once a pit bull bites we wont let go...on countrary he will keep putting presure until he decides to let go. I know, this may sound weird but my uncle has three pit bulls not in the usa and this works for him. I really hope this could help you in some way!
2016-06-08 7:35 pm
Ive owned 3 pitbulls n never have they attacked anyone but i constantly get attacked by those lil fukn ankle biters like pomeranians n Maltese terriors these lil crumbs have attacked me on numerous accasions including my lil sister every morning on the way to school as a kids .never where we attacked by larger breeds
2016-06-08 1:40 pm

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