Should there be a tax on feminine hygiene products?

2016-06-08 2:07 am
Tampons and pads are necessary items, yet they're still taxed. I don't think it's right, but I also think women wouldn't have a problem with it if men's items were also taxed. So gender equality issues aside, do you think it's right to pay GST on fem hygiene products?

回答 (13)

2016-06-08 2:43 am
Is regular body soap taxed where you live? How about luxury soaps?

Where do you draw the line?

Just because women use these products and men don't mean they should be free.
2016-06-08 2:37 am
All hygiene products are taxed where I live not just feminine. Where exactly do you live?
2016-06-08 2:22 am
No. Don't tax it.
2016-06-08 3:34 am
Things that shouldn't be taxed because these products are necessary not just for personal health but for the health of others in general as well:

Feminine Hygiene products

Loo paper

2016-06-08 3:20 am
Other personal hygiene products are also subject to sales tax in the states that have a sales tax. This is the most ridiculous non-issue I have ever seen in my life. Sales tax applies generally to anyone who buys tangible personal property in a state that has a sales tax. Exemptions have always been very limited and don't apply to any products that are exclusively (or by and large) used by men. Let's try to focus on issues that actually have a real impact on people's lives, please.
2016-06-08 2:58 am
Toilet paper should not be taxed and feminine pads and tampons should not be either. I'm also opposed to a tax on books, as well.
2016-06-08 2:10 am
no its wrong
2016-06-08 2:10 am
BS. They are not necessary. Make your own. Wash them out at night.

I think the government needs to F' off and die. The whole damn thing. At the very least, the federal government needs to be dissolved. Let the states compete.
2016-06-08 5:31 am
For the Americans reading this question. GST is the Canadian federal tax of 5% over and above the state/provincial tax. There are a few things that are exempt from this federal tax:

So, at the grocery store, basic groceries (milk, bread, and vegetables) are exempt from this federal tax. That's it.

Should there be a tax on feminine hygiene products? Yes

Also, Jazzy, I love how you probably deny the sexism in your own question. You probably refuse to see the inequality you aspire to. What if the question was reversed? Ignoring feminine hygiene products, shouldn't male-only razor blades, shaving cream and aftershave be tax exempt?
2016-06-08 2:32 am
in some places there was a luxury tax

i think they are necessary for hygiene and also to stop disease transmission - so should be as cheap as possible

i don't mind paying tax - but it should not be a big tax

i also think - products should be cotton and not synthetic
2016-06-08 2:19 am
food and water is taxed.

sales tax, if you don't want to pay tax buy private or make your ****.
2016-06-09 4:33 pm
If so, then there should be a tax on every type of 'paper' product made; toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, paper plates, paper cups, copy paper and the list goes on and on.
2016-06-08 2:09 am
I'm all for sales tax so long as it cuts down income and property tax.


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