Am I going to have schizophrenia?

2016-06-08 1:32 am
Currently I am only 12, but I have been having a few schizophrenia symptoms and I have been quite nervous about it. I have done quite a lot of research and the main symptoms I have is not being social, and very occasionally I will see and hear things others do not. I also do not know if most people do this- I talk in my head almost as if I am talking to someone, explaining to them what is going on. And occasionally, I will refer to myself in the third person in my head.

回答 (9)

2016-06-08 1:49 am
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Yes those are definitely the symptoms of schizophrenia. But dont worry because its not entirely incurable and with the right therapy and company of people you can be fine. I can understand the feeling of needing to be unsocial but trust me the more isolated you stay the more your thoughts and such similar scenario that you mentioned above will ponder more and more. My own brother suffered from it and for years he kept it from us but fortunately we managed to figured it out pretty sooner and prevented him from getting worse. I suggest you tell the most emotionally close person to you if you have difficulties in regarding it to your parents and consult a therapist.
2016-06-09 2:35 am
I’m so glad you decided to reach out for some support today! It sounds like you’re struggling with some difficult thoughts at the moment. It’s important that you talk with somebody close to you about what you’re dealing with. An adult relative, favorite teacher, counselor, therapist, or doctor would be a great place to start. Working together, you can come up with some coping strategies and get some answers to your questions. Know that you’re not alone in these thoughts and there are people out there who can help you. You’re brave for reaching out like this, and I hope that you continue to do so.

PF, Counselor
參考: Boys Town National Hotline (available 24/7): 800-448-3000 Your Life, Your Voice (teens & young adults):
2016-06-08 3:02 am
Guess you'd better go see a doctor.
2016-06-08 2:40 am
maybe go to your dr and ask them
2016-06-08 1:48 am
Tell a dr. about all this. It could be schizo or just severe anxiety. Whatever it is, a dr. is the only one who can test, diagnose and treat you.
2016-06-08 1:41 am
A lot of people aren't social, without being schizophrenic. I don't know how common the third thing is, but I've had it since I was a kid, and I'm not schizophrenic (although I'm mentally ill). As for the second thing, it's hard to judge without knowing the details, but I suspect it's not that serious.
2016-06-08 1:38 am
Schizophrenia usually develops in a person's late teens or early 20s.

If this is interfering with your daily life, go see a mental health professional or your regular doctor.
2016-06-08 1:37 am
Totally normal, besides the hearing and seeing things, but you gave no details about that so I cannot verify how true that is. The fact that you are aware that something is off points away from schizophrenia. Schizophrenics, and others who deal with psychosis, are not aware that the things they are experiencing are symptoms of their illness. That is the very meaning of psychosis, loss of touch with reality.
2016-06-08 1:39 am
Worst thing about the Internet is self diagnosing yourself.
Your only 12. You are from being cable of making any type of diagnosis about schizophrenia.
As for talking to yourself in your head. That is normal.

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