What is required when applying for a job?

2016-06-08 12:16 am
I do not have a Drivers License and I do not have any previous job experience either.. What WILL I need?

回答 (7)

2016-06-08 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
You will need a clean white shirt and black pants. Shined shoes and haircut and clean teeth. You must become a model person in every way. Buy yourself a notebook and write down everything that happens between now and when you are hired. That will then become your model. You will have written down everything and you can recognize your mistakes and not repeat them. When you are interviewed for a job do not ask about PAY or MONEY. Don't mention how much you will be paid. You want to show them how you can help them increase profits. Even if it means that you do not break anything....that saves them money. It becomes an accomplishment. Teach yourself to be a good public speaker. Not to an audience. But to an interviewer. They will watch how you speak and how you hold yourself. That is easy. Hold yourself erect and look them in the eyes. Do not slouch and I hope that you do not smoke. Never smoke. Go to the library and find a book on INTERVIEWING. Read it and learn from it. Somebody is going to give you a start. And that is when you will begin to prove that you are a very good employee. After you work for awhile, you will find a career and then you begin working toward what you REALLY want to do with your life. I am pulling for you.
2016-06-08 12:17 am
You'll need state-issued photo ID. If you don't have a drivers license, get the DMV's non-driver equivalent ID.
2016-06-09 8:22 am
hello there.
We all want to be very successful and most likely become multimillionaires and stuff. Here is the truth- Getting a JOB only slows down that process. Financial freedom is not achieved by working for somebody else because all we do is make their dreams come true not ours.
Unfortunately the world embraces getting a JOB rather than starting something no matter how little. meanwhile world Millionaires and Billionaires Grow their own businesses from the bottom to how famous they are now. There is always a better way. lets talk some more [email protected]
2016-06-08 4:27 pm
An application and resume. Anything else will come later after being hired.
2016-06-08 12:49 am
birth certificate, passport or other picture ID and a SSN card
2016-06-08 12:48 am
Usually social insurance, drivers licence or government ID, it could be a valid pass port or birth certificate.
2016-06-08 12:16 am
some form of identification will be needed. and a social security card.

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