Problem in English Grammar?

2016-06-08 12:06 am
我在今年二月十日踏單車。現在我想講俾我朋友聽,我在今年二月十日踏單車,但是我唔想講出我何時踏單車。問問大家我現在同我朋友講I have rode bicycle. 合唔合理。當我講I have rode bicycle前唔知我踏過單車。

回答 (2)

2016-06-08 5:06 am
>但是我唔想講出我何時踏單車。問問大家我現在同我朋友講I have rode bicycle. 合唔合理。
of course not. It is a weird statement. Biking is so common why do you need to say it out of blue?

> 當我講I have rode bicycle前唔知我踏過單車。
But why does he need to care?
2016-06-08 1:37 am
The present perfect shows present result of past action:-
eg:-I have already ridden the bicycle.

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