Will my car make it from Ohio to Chicago?

2016-06-07 9:13 pm
2001 Chrysler Sebring... Car is in good shape. It only has 62000 miles on it. I bought it at 57000 miles about 3 months ago. It sounds like it needs a muffler so I will be replacing it next week. I am getting the top of the line oil change and Maybe a tune up.

I have a job opportunity in Chicago that requires a car.

Should I take the chance will be driving out alone

回答 (5)

2016-06-07 11:08 pm
Assuming anything close to routine maintenance to date, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to drive to Los Angeles and back.
My last 3 vehicles were older than that, with at least double that mileage when I bought them, and I didn't give trips longer than that a FIRST thought, much less a second thought. I did have a shop replace a leaking fuel line before a 10 hour trip, but that had nothing to do with the age or mileage of the vehicle.
2016-06-07 10:29 pm
By your description of the car there is no reason it shouldn't make it. There is never a 100% chance that any car will never break down but I sure wouldn't be afraid to use it.
2016-06-07 9:50 pm
"Car is in good shape. It only has 62000 miles on it"

Yes, you willo make it
2016-06-07 9:24 pm
Get a AAA membership, but other than that, no reason the car shouldn't make it. Make sure your tires are good and inflated properly.
2016-06-07 9:17 pm
I see no reason why you would be concerned. As long as you are taking care of the car and it sounds like you are you shouldn't worry about a short drive to Chicago.

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