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I am a Christian also, and in the Bible the Garden of Eden had animals for the enjoyment of Adam and Eve, and probably some of them helped Adam 'tend' the Garden, like horses did in agriculture until the mechanical age brought tractors, etc. So, since it teaches about a "new Heavens and a New Earth", it would naturally need animals, like lions "to lie down with lambs" etc. like it says in the New Testament.....this surely would include our pets whom we lost on earth, and had been a 'part of the family'. As well as all of the birds, fish, and all other animal life, with the difference being they would be harmless and be with us for ever. Think on this. I'm hoping to see my Parrot, dogs, and cats, etc I've had over the years. I still miss them. The parrot I had for 30 years, and could talk to each other, the bird making sense, too. Not just repeating what she heard.