Am I sick? I'm exhausted all the time?

2016-06-07 7:18 pm
I think I might be sick, I'm exhausted loads. I often fall asleep in class though to be fair I only get like 7 hours a night (I'm 14 girl). But I find it impossible to get up like more than normal. And when I stand up I get really dizzy and everything goes a bit black. When I get out of bed every fibre in my body is screaming at me to go back to bed. Is this normal? I also have some shortness of breath even though I am relatively fit. Please help X

回答 (3)

2016-06-08 2:17 am
Ask your parents to schedule an appointment with your family doctor. When the doctor asks what brings you in today show them what you have written here. Use that as a basis for having a frank discussion on how you are doing. They can do a full physical and neurological workup to rule out medical issues that may be causing or contributing to your issue. They can refer you to sleep specialist for a sleep study. Your doctor can also refer you to a mental health professional that can evaluate your mental state. Once the test results are in, treatment options can be discussed.
2016-06-07 7:55 pm
sounds like you need to see a doctor
2016-06-07 7:22 pm
Well, being a teenager and only getting 7 hours a night will definitely leave you tired--you guys need more sleep. But the getting dizzy when you stand up...that I might see a doctor for, because that can be a sign of some medical conditions.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:57:38
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