Guy friend has been ignoring me?

2016-06-07 4:13 pm
My best guy friend of 8 years has suddenly just cut me off. Everything was normal until 1 month ago. We went to a movie one night, and at the end he discussed making plans during the coming week. So I texted him later that week when I hadn't heard from him and no reply. Days later I texted him a cute cat picture I found online and 2 days later I get an "LOL cute" reply. I try to ask him about his weekend and he gives me a super short reply. Over the coming weeks I try to make plans or just conversation and I literally get no reply or just 1 or 2 word answers. Not like him at all - he would always make conversation or if he couldn't do something he would suggest other times for us to get together.

About 3 months ago he got a long distance gf but that didn't affect our friendship. He still invited me out to drinks, to go to movies, making other plans, etc. But now, nothing. It's so weird and I don't have answers because I can't get more than a 3 word text out of him. From what I can see on social media, he MAY have broken up with his long distance gf (or been dumped, one of the two), but I'm not totally sure. There were just a lot of signs. At first I thought maybe he was going through a tough time so I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but it's been a month now! I texted him asking if he wanted to hang out today, and 9 hours later he says "Hey, I'm working today." And that's it. I just want to know what I did wrong and to get some closure.

Any thoughts on his behavior??

回答 (4)

2016-06-07 4:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
From what you wrote, all I can say, is that it isn t your fault. Difficult to say what his problem is, maybe he talks to someone else and it takes up all his time, or as you said a tough breakup, or something you did that you didn t mention here.
2016-06-07 4:34 pm
It is not your fault. There is nothing you could have done. Come on, time to move, time to move forward.
Don't dwell on it anymore. If he shows up, face him, ask about it. As I said, I would prefer not to dwell on such matters.
2016-06-07 4:28 pm
You're going to have to talk him eventually. Face to face. Wait a couple more days and see if he texts you (ever) and if he doesn't, then CALL HIM. You should say "hey I really need to talk to you, can we meet up soon?"

Then you should be matter-of-fact with him. Say "hey i noticed some distance between us lately and wondered what's going on with you. I was worried with ya. Is everything okay?"

That's ALL you have to say. Don't turn it into "are you made at me?!?!" and "what did i do to you??!?" school-girl bullshit.
2016-06-07 4:15 pm
why have you been leading him on for 8 years? hes probably sick of your ****.

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