Cocaine details?

2016-06-07 4:12 pm
Ever done it what was it like? How did you get it? What's the effects

回答 (6)

2016-06-08 1:40 am
I tried it two or three times, but never found it really great.
2016-06-07 7:33 pm
kills your brain
2016-06-07 5:23 pm
I take it most weekends,i like it.I go out drinking quite a lot and tend to drink to much so i take cocaine to sharpen myself up again and its also a good sexual aid.Downside...when the buzz is wearing off you will want more and or will become quite aggressive...and it costs more than everything else,with the bonus of getting you jailed for even moderate amounts above personal usage.
2016-06-07 4:32 pm
I preferred speed
2016-06-07 4:22 pm
2016-06-07 4:16 pm
Not worth it in my opinion. It reminds me of a almost like a small adrenaline rush, then levels off and just makes you awake and chatty and i suppose just like everything is okay for the moment. Most of your stresses are gone. Idk how to get it, just remember its not like weed, getting caught is very serious.

I prefer marijuana over it. Thats just me though. Alcohol and cocaine used to be very tempting, just be careful and acknowledge that it is almost instantly addictive

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:48:12
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