As you got older- did you become cleaner?

2016-06-07 4:09 am
I am in my early twenties and my room is always a mess. I clean it and then it gets messy within a day or two.

Will this change as I get older?

My nail biting habit has never gone away, will this lol

回答 (15)

2016-06-07 2:44 pm
Yes, because we have more time and know 'the tricks' to do this.
As for your room, if you are not wearing it or using it.....put it away.
NEVER eat in your room. In the morning, when you first get up - immediately pull the covers up on your bed...
this way you don't have to return to make the will already be done...simple.
2016-06-07 6:36 am
I would say I've become less tolerant. Of a lot of things, among those, dirt, dust, and other stuff I have to clean up.

I raised kids, had dogs, live in cornfield-country (dust and dirt never ends). I get less patient with it all the time. I dream of the time the kids and the dogs will be gone -- but then I think, I'll probably be lonely and would rather be cleaning up after kids and dogs than looking at a clean house if no one's there to greet me when I get home.

So yeah. I think cleanliness (or maybe just organization and ORDER) becomes more important to me as I get older (but I'm a lot older than you), but I also think that maybe you sacrifice some happiness in order to avoid messiness along the way. Sometimes the chaos is what you'll look back on with fondness in years to come.
2016-06-13 12:39 am
Usually, the elderly people might have contracted with Parkinson or Alzheimer diseases and then they might need assistance; even a normal elderly might be unable to do little or any household jobs as required. As far as I myself being concerned, generally collection of magazines as souvenirs which aren't place properly and don't care about cleaning the floor etc.
2016-06-10 11:47 pm
It's all about motivation. If someone special is coming by, that is incentive too make it look nice. I clean in binges when I have too. Also good habits help too. Don't keep dirty dishes and empty cans and bottles, get those out right after use. Also don't be a hoarder, if you don't need or use it, throw it out.
2016-06-09 9:07 pm
Yes. I hit 23-24 and I started picking up after myself much better. My car emptied of trash. My room emptied of objects not put away. Not a big behavioral change I just now walk past the trash bin every time I have any trash item near me.
2016-06-08 3:38 am
Only if you are willing to clean it and keep it clean by putting everything in the right place.
2016-06-07 4:44 pm
I m 58 and I m becoming less organized. Life is short and I still work, and take care of my elderly mother, so if I don t want to clean I don t.
2016-06-07 10:20 am
Yes. Without seeing me, it is difficult for you to guess. I am always neat and tidy.
參考: own.
2016-06-07 5:12 am
Im always cleaning my house
2016-06-07 4:32 am
I've noticed that people have a certain innate tolerance for filth. Some have little tolerance, and clean every day. Others have a huge tolerance, and see roaches and mice as kindred spirits. On top of the innate tolerance, there's the usual tendencies for kids to be messy, middle aged people to be tidy, and older people to get messy again.

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