is Will Smith a good actor?

2016-06-06 7:45 pm

回答 (6)

2016-06-06 7:51 pm
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Yeap, he is. He was great in movies such as 'Ali' and 'In pursuit of Happiness'.
He i versatile, he can do drama, comedy, sci-fi, and action movies. We'll see what he brings in the upcoming 'Suicide Squad'. :)
At least that's my opinion.

Hope it helps! ;)
參考: My wasted mind...
2016-06-09 8:20 am
Not really
2016-06-07 9:11 pm
I enjoy his movies so he is an entertaining actor. He does not have a great range of roles he can play but I prefer his movies to a lot of other movies such as all the ones based on Comic Books which I don't like since I never cared for comic books.
2016-06-06 8:02 pm
he has his moments. in Ali, and pursuit of happyness, he was very good. he's well known for action movies though - independence day, men in black, bad boys series, etc.
2016-06-06 7:54 pm
He's good, but he's the same character in every movie. He doesn't have much range.
2016-06-06 7:52 pm

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