Can you shoot a rifle at 18?

2016-06-06 6:13 pm
I love rifles/guns and I actually want one but the sad thing is I'm 17 years old

回答 (8)

2016-06-06 6:51 pm
Just get a great big piece of cardboard and a black marker. Write 18 in big bold letters. Then you can shoot a rifle at it.
2016-06-06 9:59 pm
I advice you not to. So the answer is, I better not. Never
2016-06-06 8:45 pm
That depends on where you are.
2016-06-06 8:06 pm
You can shoot a rifle as soon as you can hold it and handle the recoil. My son shot his first .22 at age 5 or 6.
2016-06-06 8:02 pm
You can shoot a rifle at age 3. It 's been done, sadly enough.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-06-06 6:37 pm
yes 5 years too, no minimum age nor maximum age
2016-06-06 6:19 pm
You can shoot a rifle at any age. You just can't buy one.

Personally, I had a high powered Walther pellet rifle when I was 14, and our .22LR rifle and handguns were only fired by me under my father's supervision.

If you don't have a Dad who wants to take you to the range, there are NRA Youth Marksmanship programs where you can try shooting a gun before you buy. Paintball is also excellent practice and the skills carry over to real guns, which you can buy when you turn 18 or 21.
2016-06-06 6:18 pm
Depend where your from

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