Can I sue my wife for lack of husbandry care?

2016-06-06 5:51 pm
Don't get enough sex, don't cook nice stuff, don't clean properly. Thanks.

回答 (14)

2016-06-06 5:53 pm
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2016-06-07 1:57 pm
You can try but I wouldn't suggest you even use the word "husbandry" without knowing what it means... (LOL). The best you can do is sue for divorce for "irreconcilable differences." You cannot force a woman to cook, clean and put out at your beck and call, at your whim (grow a bigger pecker and see what happens). That would be considered bondage or enforced servitude... in other words, slavery, and a funny thing happened way back in 1865... President Abraham Lincoln abolished Slavery (13th Amendment of our Constitution).

By the way, don't blame her; blame yourself, after all, YOU chose her!
2016-06-07 4:44 am
Just get a girlfriend to do that for you.
2016-06-06 8:04 pm
You can but, you won 't win anything because you are obviously satisfied enough to remain married to her. The answer is divorce.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-06-06 6:04 pm
No, because marriage isn't a guarantee that you'll get those things from a wife.
2016-06-06 5:55 pm
You'll want to look up the definition of husbandry first.
2016-06-08 1:09 am
Yes sue that whorebag
2016-06-07 3:49 pm
Perhaps in Iran, where woman must do what a man asks. Not in the United States though.
2016-06-07 12:50 pm
no try martial counseling instead. Marriage is a partnership not a doormat service .
Or divorce your wife.
2016-06-06 5:55 pm
Nope. Even if you had some sort of contract saying that she would provide these things, it would never stand up in court. That's a form of slavery, and we just don't allow that anymore.

If you don't have children, you can probably get out with minimal financial distress. If you have minor children, you might want to just suck it up until they're grown. It will cost you everything.

2016-06-06 5:53 pm
Sue? No. She's under no legal obligation to provide for you. Unless she signed some contract that guarantees you get laid and great food and cleaning services from her. Divorce? You could do that, but if you didn't sign a pre-nup be prepared for a painful experience.

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