can a cop search my stuff while i'm unconscious?

2016-06-06 1:52 pm
a couple of days ago took a bunch of benzos and dxm and blacked out. and when i woke up, I was in the hospital and my dad told me the police found me face down on some old guy's lawn. when I got home from the hospital, some things were missing from my pockets including a small bag of weed, a bowl (pipe), and a couple of mg's of klonopin. i want to know if it was legal for the police to search me while still unconscious and without my consent. because i was not technically under arrest.

im 20 years old btw

回答 (24)

2016-06-06 2:15 pm
They were not searching for evidence to try to find for criminal charges. They were searching for contact information on who to contact about your condition (other than an ambulance, of course). They found illegal items and confiscated them, but no charges or citation have been issued (I assume none since you didn't mention them). If they did, the evidence might have been able to be thrown out for an illegal search.
2016-06-06 2:33 pm
There are many reasons an officer can search you. Being under arrest is only one of them. In this case, the police could have searched you to make sure you didn't bring anything dangerous into the hospital. It falls under something called the community caretaker function because it is done for safety and not part of a criminal investigation. However, it can turn into a criminal investigation if something illegal is found.

Are you sure it was an officer that searched you? It is common for paramedics to remove your clothes and inventory your personal items. If something illegal is found, they can call police. Your illicit drugs are not covered under HIPPA law.
參考: 24 years law enforcement
2016-06-06 1:59 pm
You don't know if the cops took these things, but if they did... well, if they believed that your life was in danger they could have searched you for items that could help the doctors save your life (like I.C.E. card or - duh - drugs you may have overdosed). If somebody's life is in danger, it justifies many of the police's actions that would otherwise be illegal without a warrant.
2016-06-06 5:31 pm
Yes, a cop can search you while you are unconscious.

Get help. Seriously. You need a doctor's help, not a lawyer's help.
2016-06-06 2:00 pm
They sure can. They need to find ID, etc and identify you. f they find all your drugs in the process, too bad for you. They also had probable cause (you were passed out from drug use on private property). You don't need to be under arrest to search you.

Maybe if you don't carry around a bunch of illegal drugs and then pass out on someone else's lawn you might not have to worry about it.
2016-06-07 7:40 pm
yes it is an emergency situation.
This is to see if what ever you have on your person, made you unconscious. This may give the cops and doctors a clue in why you are unconscious like an accidental or suicide drug overdose or murder.
And check for any ID
2016-06-07 1:28 pm
A cop, or any other government personnel, has the right and OBLIGATION to search your belongings if you're found unconscious... to attempt to determine what you took that caused you to lose consciousness and to save your miserable life and to identify you in order to notify your family, you dumb, ignorant TWITschitt. Get your stank butt to some rehab center before your parents have to go through the ordeal of identifying your lifeless carcass on a morgue slab and arranging to bury you stank butt. You're not hurting yourself as much as your family, you selfish, parasitic P.O.S. YOU are the one causing your family grief, worry and stress because of your drug use which you probably fund by stealing and causing grief wherever you go.
2016-06-06 3:28 pm
1. For all you know someone robbed you before the police found you.
2. The police or medical personnel have the right, if not the DUTY to check for ID, and any indication of a medical condition that could affect your treatment.
3. If any illegal drugs are found, they are REQUIRED to confiscate them.
2016-06-06 3:47 pm
They are allowed to search an unconscious individual for ID. I had a friend that worked the boarder, opened the trunk of a car and there was a Kilo of hash, he broke it in half , put half in his pocket and half back in the car and waved the guy on his way. The guy was happy. Be happy, they took your stuff in an illegal search and seizure you want to complain about them taking it you are admitting guilt.
2016-06-06 1:58 pm
Thats completely against the law because it doesnt identify as probable cause they didn't know why you were unconcious and if your a minor then they can get screwed over for reporting it if you start stuff over it so if you do get charged bring it up idk what it's like where you live but here as long as you don't have over an ounce of weed you can't get in trouble for it but they can take it idk about the other thing tho good luck sorry about your bowl man

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