advice on moving out.?

2016-06-06 7:28 am
I am about 14years old & very much in the need to move out. I never really got along with my dad and he stresses me out so much so I decided to browse for apartments in the area. I really want to try & save up to rent out an apartment/maybe buy one but I don t know how to get started. advice??

回答 (22)

2016-06-06 7:47 am
No landlord is going to rent to a minor. It would be illegal for him to do it and he could be charged with harboring a minor, if he is caught. It is illegal for you to move out until you are an adult - of legal age. If you are in the U.S., that would be 18, 19 or 21, depending on which state you live in. If you leave before then, you would be considered a runaway and the police would be looking for you. Find someway to at least be civil with your father. When you are old enough, you are going to have to apply and qualify. You are going to need to have a regular income/job and landlords like to see job history of at least 6 months or 12 months. At 14, you are not even legal to obtain a real job let alone rent an apartment. Anyway, you cannot sign a lease/contract until you are of legal age either.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2016-06-06 3:09 pm
This is an age old situation and have not changed in the past million years. It is common for a teenager to rebel against their parents.This happen all over the world. The United States does not have a monopoly on this.

At you age and until your reach the age of 18, you are considered a minor. Being a minor there are things you are not able to do, one is make a decision to move on your own.

It would be to your benefit to concentrate all your efforts towards getting the best education possible, while you are able to. In being properly educated, once you decide to leave home, you would be able to support yourself and not have to return because of lack of funds, because you do not earn enough on your minimum wage job.

In order to be able to offer any potential employer any potential skills to have a high earnings, you must be educated. You would need to have a college degree or have a certificate from a career school.

Leaving the house of you father would be easy, being able to support yourself once you leave your father's house is extremely difficult.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you,good luck.

2016-06-06 8:01 am
ABOUT 14? In other words, 13? No you can't move out even if you had the couple thousand dollars saved that would be needed. Do you reaally think any landlord wold rent to you?
2016-06-07 1:26 pm
1. Good idea to start saving. Put it in a bank and start making some interest.
2. At your age, you MIGHT get someone to rent to you, but they will want references of past places you have lived and of your ability to pay (job, for example). That's going to cause a problem.
3. When you DO get a place, remember, many require a damage deposit and some ask for first and last month's rent in advance.
NOTE: Part of why your dad stresses you out is because you are 14; check out the effect of hormones on teens in a biology book. Your day will come, youngster. Save your money, do your best, and you will do well. Good luck.
2016-06-06 4:58 pm
Okay, so the way I'm reading this, you are 13 now, soon to be 14?

Still doesn't change the fact that no landlord is going to rent to you since you aren't legally old enough to sign a contract and probably don't have any kind of steady job that would allow you to actually pay rent.
2016-06-06 7:33 am
I know your dad is stressing you out but, you are honestly not old enough to have your own place. You have to be 18 in order to move out. I know it's a pain in the but loving with your dad while he's constantly stressing you out. I do like that you have an ideal plan already and that's a good thing. Looking for an apartment or something now is a really good mind setting of yours.
2016-06-06 7:04 pm
Im pretty sure that if you live in the UK. You can move out when your 16 but you need someone to sign you the house who is over 18. The house is not fully yours until you are 18 but you can still live in it. This is what I'm planning to do too! good luck
2016-06-06 6:05 pm
You are not old enough to move out you need to be 18, but i'll give you advice anyways just because i am helpful. You need some boxes and a pencil and pencil and write you dad a note and say "i had enough of you so i am moving out" Than you need tons of money to pay for bills because you still need money to pay for bills even a apartment. But you need to show your birth certificate to buy a apartment. I still hope this helps (:
2016-06-07 2:54 am
Best advice i can give you is to stay home. You can not rent anything at 14 years old sorry. You must be 18 years old to sign a rental agreement as that is a contract.
What you can do is ask your father if he would consider sitting down to talk with you. Maybe things are not as bad as they seem for your side. Fathers have expectations for their sons. Sons have dreams.
I`m sure not going to give me any coodos but hey give it a try. That is called being grown up.
2016-06-06 9:30 am
You can move out when you're an adult (18), and able to support yourself (earning 2-3 x rent a month, with savings to cover deposit, first months' rent, and a few months of living costs just in case)

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