Do women still love their husbands as much after kids? Feels like it's a chore for my wife to even get her to hug me anymore.?

2016-06-06 3:08 am

回答 (47)

2016-06-06 3:42 am
Know that you are not alone. 80-90% of women do not 'love' their husband. The husband is many times just the provisionary for the lifestyle datbtich think she want. Especially after kids, and datbitch have what she want, the husband might as well get hit by a bus. I really do wish I wouldn't have dismissed the guy who tried to tell me that the sex I was having was going to end when she got what she wanted. Not sure if I would have done anything differently, to be honest, but at least it may not have destroyed as much of my soul to hear "I have a far easier time showing affection, in public, to the kids than I do to you".
So, yeah, for the most part women don't actually love their husbands. I know that for me, one of the saving graces is that I do know that my sons will enter adult life with wisdom and knowledge of the wifery's real intent. That they should go out and form a life for themselves, acquire wealth, get past living paycheck to paycheck, and get really grounded before ever settling down. And then, be ultra picky, make sure you know yourself, and what is going to be important to you down the road.
Goddammitt, I am so immensely sad. Two decades of my life spent chasing sex that was dead out of the blocks. Here's the fooked up thing too: she told me that it wasn't important to her, early on. Sure, not in those exact words, but enough that if I would have been listening, and also if I would have known who I was, that wouldn't have been alright.
Chances are, you knew early on before proposing that she was going to be cold to you, right? Probably married a religious girl? Probably married a good-looking girl, thinking you were in for a lifetime of hot sex, right? Truth is, most women aren't capable of hot sex. There are 1%ers out there who have active testosterone genes that makes them desire sex, but studies seem to show it actually around 1%.
It's really sad that we have to marry women. I think I understand the mentality of same sexers. Male + Female is kind of a flawed plan.
2016-06-06 2:59 pm
How long has it been since she gave birth last time (since you said kids in plural)? Have you consider the possibility that your wife might have post-natal depression?

Women - that's impossible to answer without making some very gross generalisation. I myself believe in love and it means forever and ever, for better or for worse, in health and in sickness. Hence, instead of blaming it on kids, there are probably or even quite likely, some other buried, unresolved issues that have been swept under the carpet that are causing the current problem.

Perhaps, you can ask your wife what's bothering her when she seems too cold even just for a hug? People have different ways of perceiving love. Women are usually more talkative than men, this means, for you, you might want something more physical to feel loved while your wife runs more on a cerebal level or for some other women, emotional level. If I might suggest, try doing some of the things you used to do for her or with her while you're still courting her, trying to make her yours.
2016-06-07 12:56 am
I have been married and have 3 children. There is an old saying that once you have kids, your life isin't your own anymore. That being said, I never stopped loving my husband, However, as a Woman, you always feel pressured into being there for the kids, never a dull moment. One of mine never had a good sleep schedule, I ran myself ragged.
My suggestion to you is to make time to get a babysitter and you and your wife get out of the house and make some new memories! Trust me when I say, been there and this surely helps.
She still loves you, but you need to get her out of the house and ALONE. It works like a charm!
Best Wishes!
2016-06-09 4:09 am
She's going through a condition known as postpartum-depression. It's when she gives birth, but then has feelings of low self worth, disturbed sleep, poor appetite, and apathy. It should normally go away after the first month she gives birth.

Cause: This may be due to the fact of hormonal changes in her body. Experience also contributes: Women are more likely to experience postpartum depression when they were depressed before pregnancy, are coping with other life stresses( like death of a loved one, or moving to a new residence), did not plan to become pregnant, or lack other adults (e.g., the father) to support their adjustment to motherhood.

This is what I recommend:

1) Encourage her to "breastfeed" the baby, the act releases antidepressants. Baby has to be breastfeeded for the first 2 years by the way.
2) Remind her that you love her, and that she's beautiful. This is important.
3) Give her a massage.
4) Bring her roses, and chocolate.
5) Maybe stimulate her clit in bed, but don't have sex because her body is healing.

My point is that she's super depressed, and you have to lift her mood up.

Source: I have masters degree in child development, and I'm also an avid reader, I read at least a book every week. I hope I helped.
2016-06-06 11:50 pm
I think it is not so much that the wife transfers her love to children, but that children are so so demanding on every level--- physically and emotionally--- there is not much left, and there is great fatigue.
I think most women would not be interested in being pregnant and bearing a child and enduring childbirth unless they loved their male partner. Most women do see this as an act of love and giving a child to a man who (presumably) wants to be a father.

Your best chance of re-awakening warmth and closeness in your marriage is to be as supportive as you can to not just her but the KIDS. They are needy and demanding in ways that cannot be deferred or put on a back burner. Join wholeheartedly in parenting with her and I bet the 2 of you will have a marriage after the kids are gone.
2016-06-09 4:00 pm
Sounds like she is under a lot of pressure. Anxiety can be difficult for loved ones to understand. She may be feeling overwhelmed and like she isn't doing well at much of anything that she's committing herself to. It's strange but when I was feeling this way, th pe mere thought of anyone needing anything else emotionally or physically from me made me want to push them away. I'm sure that it's not that she is no longer in love with you. She's just losing herself in all of the responsibility and needs to take time off to do what she loves alone. Get to know who she is independent of big someone's wife or mother, tpThe best thing you can do is be generous. There is nothing as sexy as a man doing housework regularly. Taking over responsibilities that she feels "have" to be done so that she can actually relax and enjoy her children. It's a tall order but it will help!
2016-06-07 10:23 am
Of course! The only time I'm not hugging my husband is when i am mad of something that he causes lol. I feel you tho my husband is the same as your wife. He's less romantic after having kids and it seems like a chore for him to hug me. I guess to each his own.
2016-06-07 4:15 am
Marriage is a sacred bond between 2 people then the children come. It's important not to get lost in just child rearing but to remember to take time and care of one another. Your marriage has to be the priority and your children the 2nd priority. It's difficult to make it all work but as long as you do special things for each other, the marriage can remain important.
2016-06-11 3:57 pm
I would hugely encourage you to check around online for tips, but the first thing that springs to mind is that you need to actively choose to love each other. They say that to make a marriage work you have to put in work each day to notice each other and develop your relationship. You can start this by thinking of at least 2 things you can do for your wife today. Bring her flowers..tidy a room..give her a thoughtful compliment. Whatever shows her you know her. It will give her a boost and cheer her and ideally, before long if you keep treating her with such thoughtfulness you will be rewarded with as much attention back or a more confident woman. You can take the first steps, I promise you'll get some sort of result.
2016-06-10 9:50 pm
There is a lot of stress on putting the kids first.

That absolutely means loving their husbands less. It's the price of putting people other than the couple first.

Kids are urgent - tactics. Marriage is important - strategy. Different time scales. Those who just say toput the children first mark kids urgent and important, thus marking the couple neither.

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