So let me get this straight, evolution is true but only according to evolutionists?

2016-06-05 9:26 pm
What say ye?

For some reason my follow-up question didn't make the feed:

回答 (21)

2016-06-05 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) a) There is diversity within species
(interbreeding populations).
b) This is continually fueled by
mutation, crossover, drift, gene
duplication, horizontal transfer,
(2) More individuals are born than are able
to reproduce.
(3) a) Reproductive success is not random,
but depends on individual traits.
b) These traits are (at least
partially) inherited.
(4) a) This, along with environmental
changes, reproductive isolation,
founder effect, etc., is the basic
mechanism by which the gene pool of
a population changes over time.
b) There is no known limit to this
(5) a) All current species do in fact share
a single common ancestor.
b) This is shown by the genetic
relatedness of all living species,
as well as their geographical
distribution and the fossil evidence
of now-extinct ancestors.

We agree completely with statements 1a through 4a. We don’t know of any creationists who don’t agree with those statements. The only disagreement is with statements 4b though 5b. Specifically, we believe there are limits.

How many of these good evolutionists would believe it if I told them my car can accelerate from 0 to 6000mph in 1000 seconds? How many of them would accept it as proof that my car can do this by showing them that it can accelerate from 0 to 60mph in ten seconds? The numbers are there and they add up, but reality shows us a different story. So why do they believe the molecules to man nonsense?
2016-06-05 9:28 pm
Since "evolutionist" is a term used by the fundamentalists to mean "person who believes evolution is true", then yes, I would say your statement is true. Evolution is true, but only according to people who believe evolution is true. Fortunately that's still a majority of the population.
2016-06-05 9:39 pm
Evolution is a fact whether people are aware of it or not.

Evolution was a fact long before brains evolved.

Evolution is inevitable in populations where the varied individuals compete for resources.

So which would you argue doesn't exist: Variety in a population, or competition between its members?
2016-06-05 9:42 pm
Evolution is just a fact of life. It has more backing evidence than the theory of gravity, which you can easily test. Find a tall building then test the lesser theory, and do let us know how easily you disproved gravity. It will be much easier to disprove than the much more evidenced theory of evolution
2016-06-05 9:33 pm
Yes, all of the people who understand basic science are the ones who understand basic science. Those who do not understand basic science are those people who do not.
An interesting side question, there is a direct correlation between the amount of education and a belief in basic science, including evolutionary biology, a correlation that is world wide, and includes people of all religions, racial backgrounds, political perspectives, etc.
In short, nearly 100% of the planet's well educated people are in that group that accepts and understands the basic facts of evolutionary biology, and 100% of those who do not are among the least educated people in the world.
2016-06-06 1:17 am
So let me get this straight, evolution is true but only according to evolutionists?

- It is more proven than gravity.

What say ye?

- You are still an idiot.
2016-06-05 10:05 pm
The definition of evolution by those who call people evolutionists is a fantasy that is false.
2016-06-05 9:35 pm
And creation is true only to believers but then they have no proof now do they!
2016-06-06 5:08 pm
Evolution still holds true. The only evidence is not only available from evolutionists, but from biologists too.
2016-06-05 9:43 pm
No, evolution is a theory. It used to be Biblical, then Lamarkian theory dominated for a time. Each of these was shown not to be able to support the observed data. Evolution does seem to support the data, so it is not rejected just yet. Perhaps one day when we know more, it too will be rejected, but just now, it is our best answer, so far as we can determine to the data.

If you don't know what I mean by the data, then space doesn't permit me to explain the entire history of the scientific method. However, email me and we'll talk.

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