Why do my tattoos never heal correctly?

2016-06-05 3:00 pm
So I've had 3 tattoos so far, I go to the most reptile shop in my area which is £70 an hour and the guy I go to has a 6 month waiting list. Anyway I've had three tattoos and I've followed my tattoo artists instructions with each and every one of them...took the wrap off the tattoo cleaned them with warm water and anti bacterial soap, dry it with kitchen towel the add bepanthen. First night leave the wrap on the tattoo then the next morning take it off for it to air out and let the tattoo breath then do the soap and bepanthen method twice a day once in the morning and once in the night for the first 5 days then switch to a non scented lotion until the tattoo fully heals. So I do this and my tattoo always ends up stabbing then after 6 weeks when all the scabs have fallen off I have patches where the ink has dissappear from where the skin has fallen off, loss of detail and a faded tattoo and it's upsetting to see especially when I see how good the tattoo looks at first to after its healed. My tattoo artist thinks that I'm not taking care of my tattoo when I'm doing exactly what he says and thinks I'm picking at th3 scabs when I'm not I leave the scabs as they are and let them fall off on their own... I just don't understand what I may be doing wrong anyone have any idea?

回答 (8)

2016-06-05 9:04 pm
I'm going against most of these answers here by saying this but you can wrap the tattoo back up, it can actually be good for it BUT it must be loosely wrapped and NOT tight and for the first 2 nights only.

By the sounds of it you are doing everything right, but next time, wash it 3 times a day, air dry it, or pat it dry with kitchen towel, never rub then apply ointment. do not use bepanthem. Some people can have problems with this.
Use aquaphor until it scabs (whether it's 3 days or 7days etc) then switch to lubriderm.

I have done what you have done for the last 13 years and never needed a touch up. But here's what the artist isn't telling you, some peoples skin just doesn't take ink very well, no matter how well you look after it, sometimes it goes patchy, it just happens.

Advice is eat healthy for a couple weeks before hand, lots of fruit and veg and avoid junk food, this has actually been proved to help skin accept ink easier by making the skin healthier and smoother.
2016-06-06 12:51 am
I've personally never kept the wrap on for more than a few hours. I've also never rewrapped it. Maybe you are having a reaction to the ointment you are using, you can try aquaphor, A&D ointment, or bacitracin... or you can skip the ointment and go straight to using a fragrance free lotion (I like Curel because it is water based and not too heavy or creamy). It seems like you are doing everything right. But when you say you wash it twice a day and use the ointment, is that the ONLY time you are using the ointment? You need to constantly keep your tattoo moisturized so keep applying the product throughout the day but make sure it is not too heavy or it will clog your skin. Your skin needs to be hydrated but have space to breathe. Also, do not use a towel as it can harbor bacteria. Use a clean paper towel and blot dry. Do not soak your tattoo in water and if it gets itchy, slap it. The way youre describing it makes it seem like you know what you are doing though... Maybe your body can't take the ink or maybe it is your tattoo artist?
2016-06-08 8:00 am
So every artist is going to have a different method of healing. First I would never tell you to do it this way. And second you are going to have to figure out the best method for you. I have my own method of healing that works with my skin that fellow artists shake their head at but every line and every dot stays. What I tell my clients is as follows: you will wash and clean a tattoo 4-5 times a day. Your will lightly clean it with anti bacterial soap from a pump like dial soap. (Not sure if you have that in the UK so please find the equivalent of everything mentioned) after lightly cleaning your tattoo to remove any plasma or clotting that will form into scabs then air dry or blot dry with a PAPER towel (one use items) after that apply a light layer of aquaphor (again not sure if you have this there but made by ucerin). A light coat to where your skin is shiny but not over coated. Treat it like lotion, rub it in. Do this for 2 weeks or until the shiny skin (new skin) is gone.
參考: Licensed tattooist 6 years
2016-06-07 5:42 am
I only kept the rap on my tattoo for Mabey two hours . After that I just applied A&D ointment on it twice a day for like two weeks and it still looks great . It all depends on your preference really
2016-06-05 4:09 pm
Use permanent tattoo remover
2016-06-05 3:59 pm
Maybe your skin can't take the tattoos. You should stop getting them.
2016-06-05 4:02 pm
You're not supposed to leave the wrapping on over night. You're supposed to remove it when you get home to let your tattoo breath. Never leave it on overnight. Some times ink can come out of a tattoo, this can happen it's nothing to worry about and it can be re touched. You may want to switch to a lotion like lubriderm which is lighter then the stuff you're using but still gets the job done. Don't use antibacterial soap either, all you need is unscented not died soap like dove or ivory to wash it with. You should wash it with luke warm water, nothing hotter then that and pat it dry with a clean towel or paper towel. Any soap or lotion you use on a fresh tattoo should be not scented and not died, it shouldn't have any fancy oils or vitamins in it they can irritate your tattoo. If you have to touch your tattoo wash your hands first.
Inform your tattoo artist you're not picking at the scabs.
2016-06-05 3:35 pm
Poor aftercare. Not your fault as you followed instructions.

I've been tattooed by a half dozen artists and the aftercare has been the same.

Never keep the plastic wrap on for more than an hour. Never rewrap.

Wash with dye free and fragrance free soap. Don't use antibacterial soap (except green soap) it can irritate.

Never use petrolatum, mineral oil or animal fat on a fresh tattoo. Bepanthen then contains all three. Use a dye and fragrance free hand lotion.

Wash and lotion three times daily.
2016-06-05 4:50 pm
You should never cleave the wrap on over night, more like for a few hours, 3 or 4 at most.
You should never used a towel to dry the tattoo, that introduces bacteria into the tattoo which can cause infection.
You should be washing it more like 4 times a day. The scabbing is because you are not washing all of the slime off. That slime is plasma and hardens into scabs. Take your time washing. You shouldn't need to use an antibacterial soap either. Antibacterial soaps get in the way of how your body heals, because it kills the good bacteria that is healing your tattoo. Any gentle unscented soap will do, and antibacterial soaps are not gentle. Some ointments can pull ink from the skin. I have always used aquaphor and it keeps my tattoo moisturized without pulling ink from the skin. I don't switch to lotion either, I just use the aquaphor ointment.

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