Have you ever reached the lowest point in your life?

2016-06-05 9:53 am

回答 (41)

2016-06-05 10:02 am
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Oh yeah, like two years ago? I'd given myself maybe like a week before my self-composure broke, and I actually went through with throwing myself out the window instead of just sitting there and fighting the urge. Funny thing is that the only reason I did go to a psychologist back then was because I thought death was too good for me, so I wanted to be alive and suffer as much as possible. Geez, that sounds even more ****** up when I say it lightheartedly. But yeah, I don't like dwelling, plus that doesn't feel like that was me back then anymore.
2016-06-05 2:19 pm
Well, I am HERE.

All of us, would, logically, have reached the lowest points in our lives so far. Unless every moment of our lives was the same 'happiness number'. We may come to worse moments in the future but we've automatically experienced something that was less pleasant than something else and therefore, we have a 'lowest point' in our lives.

But if you're asking for something a bit juicier, fine. I got my heart ripped out by a woman I loved. That sucked. I was .... coming close to being suicidal.

I've been homeless a couple of days. I don't mean "sleeping on my buddy's couch" homeless but "sleeping under an overpass" homeless.

Right now I'm making minimum wage. That sucks. Better than living in the 3rd world though and homeless in America might be better than having a job in the 3rd world. I can't say for sure.

But I've never had a child die in my arms and I don't, to the best of my knowledge, have a terminal disease.

Oh, and F' you for not being anonymous. (cool user name though. Wish I'd thought of it. And the umlauts keep it classy.)
2016-06-06 8:24 am
No. I mean, I do believe I am in a personal black hole, but I am still going down.

Most of the things I am experiencing on the way down arent that big of a thing but they are kind of cruel and embarrassing all the same.

1. Im more than 60 pounds over weight

2. Im tired all of the time

3. Worse yet, I walk at least 2 + miles and or am constantly moving, but am losing weight at a very slow rate.

4. Im addicted to sweets.

5. Last year before I gave up sodas I had acid reflux so bad that I would cough up stomach acid constantly and hard. Like I would choke on that zhit.

6. Havent gotten laid in 5 and a half years. Thats no joke dude, chick, or whatever you are. Thats like worse than being a virgin.

You know, most of this stuff isnt that bad. THe problem is that its a lot of little things like this that are wrong with my life.

And it just seems like none of these things are getting right by themselves.

Worse yet, if this is all zhit that i myself can fix, which I know it is, the urge, drive, motivation, whatever to fix these things just arent there.

I feel like I am dying in a mediocre live.
參考: 79
2016-06-06 2:34 pm
Yes, a few yrs ago when my long term gf told me she cheated on me with 4 guys when she was overseas for a month. I had been sending her money and she had been totally dishonest. I felt devastated and wanted to die. Broke up with her but It took me about 4 years to get over it and even now I am angry and stil have nightmares about it. She won't give me the money back - about 5000$ .. I felt so hurt and now have a back injury that money would really help me..
2016-06-05 12:42 pm
Not yet. The longer I live the worse my life gets so the lowest point will probably be a few years from now.
2016-06-07 1:01 pm
you can say you have reached the lowest point in your like, but there is so much farther to go there is no end there is no rope to crab on to you are then in the abiss
2016-06-07 12:59 pm
No one knows till they're on their death bed. You can't predict the future. The past and current is not your entire life. Everyone can look back and find a point that was the lowest so far but no one will know how bad other rough patches will be in the future.
2016-06-06 8:47 pm
Bear has experienced several very low points and several very high points.

Summary: Do not give up the ship merely because of a low.

You wouldn't know what a high is without experiencing the lows.

A weather person like myself can say that is not a pun, even though true in weather too.

Navy bear experience too. Not a pun.
2016-06-06 4:17 pm
Yes. It happens to everyone, and it happens all the time.
The only way out is work things out by yourself. The task is not for the others.
It must be you, and only you can achieve such potential. Seeing the potential, I climbed back from the lowest point to the middle - right back to when I was! It was awesome.
2016-06-06 11:35 am
Hey! Lowest point is when You Feel "JUMPING from a 11 STOREY BUILDING' is FAR LESS PAINFUL then LIVING ANOTHER MOMENT"....OK so if we are writing here means we are on our way to the LOWEST point but not there yet......you will know when you are there......you will be NUMB, nothing will bother you anymore, you will feel that there is nothing to loose or fear anymore, other the n life itself......
2016-06-05 2:20 pm
No, I mean I have attempted suicide a few years ago, but I have a feeling that my real lowest point will be way too late in my life.

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