Where to hide safe box at home ?

2016-06-05 7:33 am
I just bought a home safe box. It's a Sentry Safe MS0100 (16.30 x 19.30 x 13.70 in).
The reason I bought this, is because recently a relative of mine just lost all of his golds that he put on Bank's Safe Deposit Box. and the Bank staff didn't help him at all. They refuse to check the cctv and only gave the cctv after he went to the police.
When I research it on google, apparantly it's common on my country.

But now, I'm counfused where to put my home safe box.
I want it to be hidden, so that when the thief comes in to my house, he never know there's a safe box.
I go to holidag once a year, so it is important to me that it's hidden.

Do you guys have suggestion ? Feel free to tell your experiences. Thank you :)

回答 (18)

2016-06-07 1:05 am
I have worked in the security business for over 40 years. The most important thing to do with your safe besides finding a good hiding place is to bolt the safe to the floor, a concrete floor is best. Your safe isn't very expensive, and it really isn't rated for burglary. It is what we call a "fire rated" safe. That means it meets certain standards for protecting the contents against a fire, more than it does for a burglary. However, it is significantly better than hiding your valuables in your sock drawer. I recommend that you bolt it to the floor of your bedroom closet, and build a box to place over it to disguise it as a heating duct. Paint the box the same colour as the walls of the closet, and frame it up so it looks like it's part of the structure of the house. If the intruders still find the safe, and it's secured to the floor, they won't be able to take it with them to open it at their leisure, and it's a lot harder to force open a small safe when you can't pick it up.
2016-06-05 8:55 pm
FORGET about hiding the safe. Criminals have ALREADY thought of every hiding place you will ever think of.
The way to prevent theft of the entire safe is to BOLT IT DOWN.
2016-06-06 12:18 am
Try not putting it in the basic hiding spots like your room or the basement. You should hide it in the garage,in a plant, outside, etc.
2017-01-09 7:23 pm
bury it in a garden outside
2017-01-08 10:08 pm
bury it in a garden outside
2016-10-25 9:06 am
put all your valuables in the fridge...........................criminals never look there...........................not unless they are hungry : )
2016-09-11 5:35 am
bury it in a garden outside
2016-08-16 7:56 pm
put all your valuables in the fridge.........criminals never look there.........not unless they are hungry : )
2016-06-08 4:46 am
Behind the toilet.
2016-06-08 1:02 am
Having learned that the safety deposit box in the Bank isn't safe, therefore you want to own one and keep at home instead. It sounds good but the problem is where to place and hide it. For safety's sake,it is better to fix into the wall and covered by a picture frame or the like. In addition, you should install the alarm system too.
2016-06-07 1:53 pm
I just read an article about where NOT to hide it. Article said theives most often search the master bedroom and its closet. The reasoning was that the occupants want their valuables in a location that people visiting or coming for repairs ( like a/c repairs, plumbing, etc) would not usually see or have reason to be in. Ones bedroon fit that bill. Plus, the occupants want to have valuables close when they sleep in the event of a fire, tornado etc so they can grab them quickly. Again, master bedroom fit the bill. Odds of being burglary victim are greater than fire or tornado , according to the article. Made sense to me so I'm looking for a new location for mine as well.
2016-06-05 7:36 am
I have no idea where should you put them. I do not know which is your country. If you can, put your safe box under the floor, you should have an invisible door on the floor.
2016-06-07 1:24 pm
Bury it in a garden outside
2016-06-05 10:51 pm
Hide the stuff somewhere else in your home and make the safe box easily findable. A decoy works better than a good hiding place.
2016-06-05 9:34 pm
You could maybe put it in the garden underground somewhere and maybe pull up the grass and lay it with astroturf instead so it is easy to roll up and access the safe for you but it is also hidden. You could also try and find a thick wall in your house and knock out the shape of the safe and put it in there and slide a cabinet in front of it. As an addition to my last suggestion, if you want it in your bedroom next to your bed, for even safer keeping. If your wall isn't thick, try and knock out as much of the wall as you can so it is safe and slide it in there and maybe half the safe will hang out, so then you can buy some timber from a store and create a little U shape out of the timber and the open area of the U is bolted to the wall and then you screw another piece of timber on the top with an impact driver so you have to have a battery drill to take it off and maybe fit an alarm onto it
2016-06-05 3:40 pm
depends on how much you plan to open the safe == there are few places that are suitable for a secret spot to hide the safe [[[ what you have is fairly large for a home safe ------- you might look around for a chest or cabinet that will hold the safe == best thing you can do is use "" T - nuts "" and bolt from the inside ,, securing the safe so that it cannot be carried away == your combination needs to be one that is not your address or birthday or your social security number ((maybe the birthday of a very distant relative)) ==== do not show anyone [[ not even your best friend ]] this safe ... The less said the better because bragging about that safe and contents is the very thing that will get it stolen ........ along with the less said -- you should learn to keep your personal business - exactly that private and personal .. Those people that make their private business open and public are the ones that get robbed ... Sorry to hear that your friend get robbed of his safety box contents that were supposed to be secure in a bank vault ... SEE what I am saying == he bragged and shot off his big mouth and then got took ..... want mo info about how to secure the safe then -- E/M 'XTX'
2016-06-05 8:13 am
Thieves as a rule are not keen to spend time searching a property, so aim for thew most likely places, bedroom, lounge etc etc. You can put it next to or near youe utility meters, or even a food store with foodstuffs in front of the safe. Worth also considering an alarm which has passive infra red (PIR) that activates the alarm when the beam is broken. The last thing burglars want is noise !!
參考: Security minded individual.
2016-06-05 9:01 am
Put all your valuables in the fridge...criminals never look there...not unless they are hungry : )

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