Does God want me to tell him that I hate him?

2016-06-05 7:11 am

回答 (17)

2016-06-05 7:18 am
No. Your hatred does in no way affect God.
2016-06-05 7:13 am
No, more like He wants you to get right with Him. Through faith in Jesus Christ.
2016-06-05 8:43 pm
As if God is unaware...?

A 'heart-to-heart' with God? Why not? Repentance requires that we turn to God.

King David is our best example of one who took an active role in directing his heart toward God and, especially, in times of distress. His experience of God was very much connected to "real" life. (Psalm 43:5); (Psalm 62:5-7).

But one thing I can assure you (despite your bitterness), is that God loves you, and that He will comfort and strengthen you right away.
2016-06-05 10:14 am
No, he wants you to admit that you're just a frustrated, angry adolescent boy who needs someone else to blame for his own unhappiness instead of himself. Take some responsibility for your own life, dude. Grow a goddamned pair.
2016-06-05 9:28 am
God wants you to tell him that you want to kill him.
2016-06-05 8:02 am
Not, but you have the FREE WILL (which is a GIFT FROM GOD) to do that if you so desire!

Through him we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. (Romans 5:2)

MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!
2016-06-05 7:49 am
Start by working through your feelings towards Harry Potter, then maybe vent your anguish towards the Little Mermaid. Once you've mastered the art of getting emotional at fictional characters you can spew your vitriol at the biggest fictional character of them all.
2016-06-05 7:43 am
If that is true I suspect He does, also why you hate Him. But then, I think you aught to give Him a chance to explain. Read His word the Bible. Also, ask Him why He has done things that you don't like and expect an answer. God always answers every question I ask Him.
2016-06-05 7:23 am
Yeah. He wants you to take off your clothes & express yourself.
2016-06-05 7:21 am
God Is just hope if he's real or not is up too u but got won't help a bullet not blow your head off so I mean do what u feel is fight don't hate god because of what's happening in your life because your hating nothing hate the government:)
2016-06-05 7:35 am
You have a wrong concept of god.

“We souls are a single unit of consciousness that stems from the Creator’s consciousness. This is known as “Infinite Consciousness.” All units of consciousness are interconnected to all other types of consciousness. Everything that exists is called the “Creator” (also known as the Source). Infinite Consciousness is the universal energy that exists everywhere or “All that is.”

Each one of us was given a divine mission – go away and explore ourselves. LEARN, GROW, AND UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING THAT HAS BEEN CREATED and eventually rejoin the Creator after having learnt everything that is infinitely possible to experience and having acquired the highest understanding of creation itself or “all that is.” Your path of evolution is unique to you, but you are not separate from other souls, rather your individuality is your unique story and journey to understand creation.

Your mission is achieved by ascending your individual consciousness through each of the dimensions within the universe. To begin your mission, you had to experience a variety of intense “third density” (i.e. the physical universe) lessons on earth, including selfishness, pain, poverty, love, anger, etc. Earth is a planet to begin evolving your consciousness at the infant level, until you consciously realize this illusion and choose to stop experiencing these dense lessons and decide to continue your spiritual growth beyond this dimension.”
2016-06-05 3:10 pm
If you opine that you chosen deity is all knowing, wouldn't the same said being then already be aware of such?
2016-06-05 12:24 pm
it depends on which god to which you are referring, you have to be specific
2016-06-05 8:16 am
hate does not help anybody
2016-06-06 7:47 pm
hate is an illogical emotion.
even moreso for someone you don't know...
2016-06-05 8:22 am
That hurts you.

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