Dog acting super strange... maybe in pain help!!?

2016-06-05 6:59 am
my dog has been so listless. he wont eat, hes drinking water, he has runny poop. hes shaking, panting and breathing super heavily. he wont let us touch his ribs, could there be something wrong? vet scheduled for Monday. When he lays down he has even more trouble breathing, hes almost choking when he lays. Any idea whats wrong??
please help. Hes a 9 year old Lhasa poo.

any other suggestions besides take him to the vet... like stuff we could do at home until i can get him there tomorrow, unfortunately im only 16 and cant get him there by myself.

回答 (19)

2016-06-05 7:20 am
This needs an emergency vet rather than a scheduled appointment for Monday
2016-06-05 7:06 am
If he is having trouble breathing and is stressed breathing then it is a vet emergency. Do you know what happened, did he get kicked, fall, run to the end of rather leash and bruise his neck or just start this all of a sudden?

I wouldn't wait for several days to see a vet on a dog that's panting heavily, especially not eating or drinking. Runny stool makes me suspect he ate something he shouldn't have. The shaking is a sign of shock and stress besides severe pain. I really suggest at least you call the emergency vet or try and find a Sunday vet or just take him into the emergency vet. Sometimes waiting especially when he is symptomatic is a bad thing. Phone calls to evaluate are free and you would be talking to a qualified medical person not just something from yahoo.
2016-06-05 5:04 pm
Quite honestly I think YOUR PARENTS need to step up to the plate and get this poor dog to an emergency vet TODAY if he's as bad as you suggest. Clearly there is something quite major going on and I'd not want to risk him not making it through the night even. Where are your parents because if you are a minor, you shouldn't have been left to deal with all this alone.

If he is having difficulty breathing, he could go into respiratory arrest at any moment. This is for your parents, not you!
2016-06-05 12:03 pm
Surely you have parents, friends of your parents, or parents of YOUR friends, or grandparents, = somebody who could DRIVE you to an emergency vet's office. FIND somebody NOW!

Next, determine where you need to take the dog. Start by calling you vet's office & see if they have an emergency referral vet's number on the answer machine (for who to see, when they are closed).
2016-06-06 2:46 am
Jesus Christ get him to an emergency vet immediately, like right now! Go tell your parents right now to put him in the car and take him to the nearest 24 hour vet! He's in horrible pain! Don't you ******* care? You're making you're dog suffer! "Could there be something wrong?"'re a ******* moron just for asking that question and you shouldn't have a dog ever! No pets ever, you're a horrible person for letting him suffer like that! It makes me sick! You irresponsible ****!

He's shaking and won't let you touch him, has "runny" poop, and can't ******* is wrong with you? He'll be dead by tomorrow, he's not going to make his vet appointment. You realize that, right? Go tell your parents he's dying and needs to at least, if nothing else, be taken to the emergency vet right now to be put to sleep so he doesn't suffer anymore.

He's either going to die tonight in his sleep, painfully, or tomorrow if he happens to make it to the vet, he will suggest putting him to sleep.
2016-06-05 1:38 pm
Then take it to a vet instead of allowing it to suffer and possibly die, which is a felony (failure to provide proper vet care in a timely fashion) punishable by fines/jail time, a lot more than an ER vet that is open 24/7.

At this age if he hasn't had a comprehensive wellness exam in the last six months, he should have one now anyway.

The exam should include a complete blood workup, urine/fecal, dental, and if indicated UTD vaccines, heart worm/flea/tick preventative, x-rays and an echo cardiogram.

Find someone to take the dog to a vet, where are your parents? It's a family dog, parents responsibility, not yours.
2016-06-06 7:09 pm
You have to take him to vet. Your parents allowed you to keep a dog? - they are legally responsible for it.
It is illegal (EVEN in the USA) to let a domestic animal suffer like this without access to veterinary care.
THIS IS URGENT - take to vet now - they might be able to offer advice about finances. Otherwise your parents need to grow a backbone and live up to their responsibilities - this is a very very sick doggy and you will NOT help him by keeping him at home and away from a vet.
I don't understand Americans - if you are American - this sounds horrifically irresponsible. Really you have no sense of responsibility, no backbone, no decency, you don't care for your dependants.
2016-06-06 1:57 pm
It needs to be checked urgently. It seems he might have fallen and got injuried. Try to get a lift or a cab and bring hin to an emergency clinic...

Good luck! Xxx
2016-06-06 11:19 am
This is a sign of cancer. Had a similar thing recently happen with my yellow lab. It gets wise very quickly. I know you dunt want to hear "go to the vet" but that's really your only option if he has what my dog did.
2016-06-05 6:00 pm
Maybe poisoning? Has he eaten anything out of date, any strange plants, chocolate, grapes, onion, human food? Or a lung problem perhaps. Definitely not good, you need to get him to the vets asap.

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