Is it illegal to act retarded so I can compete in a handicapped basketball tournament for a grand prize of 200 dollars?

2016-06-05 6:53 am

回答 (16)

2016-06-05 6:53 am
I guess it is fraudulent.

But it doesn't sound like you need to act.
Maybe part of your retardation is not knowing how retarded you are
2016-06-05 8:04 am
Go for it. There's a whole lot more disability these days, thanks to ADA, low standards, and government handouts. That $200 is no worse than collecting from the government for the crapload of "disabilities" out there.
2016-06-05 1:33 pm
Yeah, that would be fraud, or perhaps an episode of Seinfeld.

"Is it illegal to act retarded so I can compete in a handicapped basketball tournament for a grand prize of 200 dollars?"
2016-06-05 8:04 am
After reading your question it seems that maybe you really are retarded.
2016-06-05 7:03 am
It's only Ok if your name is Johnny Knoxville
2016-06-06 10:03 pm
Yes, illegal. If not illegal, then morally wrong.
2016-06-05 7:48 am
No. It is not legal. It would be fraud. If you won, assuming they only collected your proof of disability afterwards, how would handle the part where you have to prove your disability. Would you also forge the government 's (ADA) documents that state your disability and the other information they contain?
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-06-05 6:55 am
It's not illegal but there are some major moral issues you should check.
2016-06-05 6:55 am
Yes you are committing fraud.. Not only is it illegal but it's morally wrong

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