Ok, I try to be real on every single one of my answers, but I get criticized by people saying that I am uneducated.?

2016-06-05 5:51 am
Recently I've been getting a lot of hate comments on the answers that I post saying that I am either uneducated, a troll or sicko, or (my favorite) watch too much Fox news. See, the thing is I don't get my information from the news, shoot I hardly watch the news, I get my FACTS from what I see and observe around me. So, if I want to say that President Barack Obama is a great man and he has done very many things for this country, it's because I have observed a change in this country that was not there before, a change that our past presidents were not able to accomplish. I am not naive and I am not uneducated, maybe it's just time for some people to open their eyes to the obvious changes that have befallen the United States. I'm not exactly trying to start a fight, but I won't back down when I feel that I should speak my mind about a certain subject. Thank you to everyone who responds, regardless of your criticism or not.

回答 (13)

2016-06-05 6:03 am
This is a Forum for uneducated opinionated twerps who have excessively thin skins and think their farting in hurricane can change the winds blowing.
Don't worry about them.
What a president is thought of NOW varies greatly next 2 - 4 decades
參考: Exstreet person Employer now thanks library
2016-06-05 7:36 am
Its yahoo. On the politics and government section you've got a few dozen conservative trolls with a room temperature IQ who think Fox is true and Rush Limbaugh is a prophet.

On News and Events it's 8 British fascists who are responsible for 80% of the nasty content.

If you want to answer questions here you do it for the American teens who also find their way here and who deserve some truth.
2016-06-05 6:00 am
You don't need to be too sensitive about people's remarks. They are all anonymous, and therefore people can say dumb things without exposing themselves to backlash in any real sense.
2016-06-08 10:07 am
They are the uneducated ones if they can't handle it
2016-06-05 6:01 am
As a fellow observer I can understand where you're coming from. ... (Observers seem to greatly undervalued in the Modern world.) ... I think President Obama has done a good job, especially considering the mess his predecessor left him to deal with.

People seem to forget that he came into office at the beginning of a MAJOR Recession! Fortunately, he had the common sense to gather good minds around him to lead the country forward instead of falling into a Depression!

A good man who will be recognized in years to come for saving the economy from further damage.
2016-06-05 6:42 am
The president has almost nothing to do with what happens in the country. he has a slight influence on international dealings. He is called a figurehead. That is the statue on the front of the ship. It has no control over which way the ship goes, but it is always the first one to arrive on the scene.

As for your complaint, the nation is collapsing. A prominent symptom of collapse is rejection of all standards of excellence, and admiration of slobs.
2017-02-18 6:35 pm
They are the uneducated ones if they can't handle it
2016-06-07 10:54 pm
ignore them.
when people insult your intelligence, it's because they can't produce a valid argument against your position, or they are insecure in their own beliefs.

personally, i don't agree on the issue of obama's accomplishments, but if you can state informed reasons why you believe as you do, then i (and most reasonable people) will always respect your position -- as we would any other well-informed position on an issue.

as long as you give fact-based answers drawn from research or personal knowledge/experience, you're doing the right thing.
if haters criticize you anyway, it's their problem, not yours.
2016-06-05 6:05 pm
It's human nature to be mean.
2016-06-05 7:09 am
Wow, this is not a place to be taken seriously...just relax and have fun on A...and Obama is OK....it is what follows him that might not be !!
2016-06-05 6:05 am
I would agree with you. He is better than the sex maniacs and crooks and liars and other abusers of power that preceded him.
2016-06-05 9:02 am
Can you specify what exactly Obama accomplished - apart from 8 wasted years !
2016-06-05 8:27 am
Obama is a hybid who has ruined America and now you need Trump to undo the damage. Stop being so sensitive about what others say and believe in your answers, but review your opinion of the black Muslim loving President. He's a creep.
參考: From the UK.

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