Need math help please?

2016-06-05 12:57 am
Bob is replacing an air exchanger in an air conditioning unit. The manufacturer of the air conditioner unit calls for an attachment width of 4.50" inches + <plus minus 0.12" inches
What are the maximum and minimum value of the width of the air exchanger attachment. And what is the tolerance

回答 (2)

2016-06-05 5:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Minimum 4.38
Maximum 4.62
Spec is 4.50 +/- .12

Tolerance. +/- .12
2016-06-05 2:15 am
Max and min are 4.62" and 4.38".
"What is the tolerance" -- on the one hand, it seems obvious that the tolerance is +/- 0.12". On the other hand, the machining industry uses standard tolerances of +/- 0.2" and +/- 0.01", maybe you're supposed to use that in some way...can't tell, without knowing what went on in your class.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:59:49
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