If women are allowed to hit back, are men allowed to hit back?

2016-06-04 9:59 pm
Yes, I know. The rule is that women can hit men, but men can't hit women. But like for example, if a man hits a women first, a women is allowed to hit him back. But if a women hits the man first, can the man hit the women back? And when I say hit back, I don't mean like he should hit her a million times violently and mercilessly, but just like she slaps him one time, so he slaps her back just one time too.

回答 (20)

2016-06-04 11:09 pm
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I would suggest video evidence if you want to claim self-defense.
Make sure you have visible injuries.

Often police will punch themselves and injury themselves so that they can photo
them selves & claim self-defense.
2016-06-04 11:17 pm
If that happens then the man should knock the woman on her *** and that should teach her Not to get violent with him again unless of course she's enjoying the physical contact.
2016-06-04 10:53 pm
According to the law, you can use whatever force you feel necessary to defend yourself against an attacker. It's genderless, whether a woman is doing it or a man.

If it comes to a trial, you have to prove you thought it was reasonable force to keep yourself safe.
2016-06-04 10:03 pm
Yes, it is obvious that SOMETIMES retaliation is exactly what's needed to end an assault and, in those cases, retaliation is clearly self-defense. Indeed, depending on the nature/circumstances of the assault, the victim may have no way of knowing if the assault is going to continue or not and in those circumstances retaliation may be legitimate self-defense.
2016-06-05 7:03 am
Men have just as much right to hit a woman as a woman has to hit a man.
2016-06-04 10:17 pm
Neither is allowed to hit back.
2016-06-04 10:06 pm
Before I get into to all this 'hitting business', care to elaborate on just what the real problem is between the two, and working on that before it gets this far, or perhaps just calling it quits because you have both tried, and it's getting too close for comfort now, and a warning sign.
2016-06-04 10:03 pm
The person is supposed to first try to disable the assailant unless there is an imminent threat to themselves or others. That means yes if there's a possibility of harm.
2016-06-04 10:02 pm
Nobody is allowed to hit anybody, its called simple assault. What you are referring to is men don't call the police or press charges. Women do
2016-06-04 10:05 pm
Women are emotional creatures and allowances should be made. Men, being more rational, should be better able to control our impulses. It's okay to restrain a woman from hitting you but not to strike her back, other than the firm spanking they all require from time to time.
2016-06-06 9:05 pm
In a case of domestic violence, the man is always arrested. If either is arrested, it's always he man. Sometimes both are arrested.

No, he is not allowed to hit back.
2016-06-06 5:06 am
A boy and man should walk away and never put hands on a lady or girl. Males have more strength and can subdue a female if she's getting violent. Unless weapons are involved a man should remove himself from the situation.
2016-06-05 8:16 am
I live in the state of Utah and in Utah women are always the victim in violence mind u i am a woman however my husband learned when that dumb ***** hits u call the cops if she hits u again call the cops and then she goes on probation u take the kids and she pays child suport but you never hit that ***** back cause u will go to jail she wont
2016-06-05 7:17 am
Never heard of that rule.
2016-06-05 6:06 am
Self defense is OK, as long as you don't go crazy...but it's way better to walk away.

Some courts will buy the woman's story you abused her and they'll have the marks on her to back it up.

Even if she was the instigator you'll have a record you don't deserve and she'll play the " victim " to anyone who'll listen.
2016-06-05 5:17 am
You are totally misinformed if you think that hitting back is allowed for anyone!
2016-06-04 10:28 pm
Subjectively, from your personal point of view, I can see how having recently engaged in fisticuffs with another child but of the other gender, and if she unfairly used gender dynamics to escape her portion of the punishment that both of you so richly deserve, you might think this was a major issue.

Women ARE living their lives under the sexist boot, and men ARE often being stomped by hateful idiots who think they are "women's rights activists," but we won't deal with that.

Issues like abortion rights being attacked by either direct assault or compromise, men's genuine disadvantage in education, or the higher rate of exploitation in female-dominated industries, or men's victimization in legal matters... naw, what's IMPORTANT is you and your sister fighting.

I dont believe in corporal punishment, but sometimes I have an almost overwhelming compulsion to take off my belt and beat the living shlt out of both of you types.

That's when I go play chess or go to the shooting range or go read poetry or something.

You see, that's what CIVILIZATION teaches you to do when yer feeling violent.

Not to elaborate on "theories" where are the upshot is always "I get to hit somebody."
2016-06-04 10:26 pm
Where do you get the weird idea people are allowed to hit back?

Are you a child, because generally only children claim this.
2016-06-05 1:37 am

Women can hit guys all they want, and as hard as they want, with no consequence. A guy is not allowed to hit a woman, not even once, not even softly.

2016-06-05 12:57 am
No, they shouldn't, but not all just want to obey this law.

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