He throws tidbits of utterly fascinating fashion information at me while we unpacked boxes of leather purses. "throw at"點解?

2016-06-04 3:30 pm

回答 (2)

2016-06-05 12:53 am
"throw at"是用"丟擲" 來比喻 "不管聽眾的反應" 就7788的講了一堆.ˊ
就像有員工 報怨老闆 胡亂 指定工作 "不管合理不合理" 也是使用: 老闆"丟了"8件工作給我.

喔!原來中語 也是 同樣 用法阿!
2016-06-04 4:26 pm
throw at---adverbial particle, force one's attentions on his saying and information in an effort to win respect of his learning from him to me.

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