Your opinions on Star wars vs. Star Trek?

2016-06-03 7:09 pm

回答 (1)

2016-06-03 7:15 pm
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I prefer Star Wars over Star Trek. One article I saw about the two summed it up pretty good when it said "Star Trek is about thinking, while Star Wars is about feeling." I still like Star Trek, I just think Star Wars has a little bit more emotion in it, which makes it a bit better series.
2016-06-03 7:14 pm
Star Trek is better. I loved the original series and Next Generation and most of the movies. I love the original 3 Star wars movies, but that's it. The new reboot Star trek movies are so much better than the Star wars prequels and sequel it's not even funny.
2016-06-03 7:11 pm
star wars is for fat or immature people, star trek is for intelligent people
2016-06-03 8:23 pm
Star Trek .there is nothing as sexy as a mind melt with Spock
2016-06-03 7:18 pm
Why compare them, just because they both have the word "star" in their names?
2016-06-03 7:48 pm
My opinion so far is that I prefer the Star Trek movies and TV Shows over Star Wars. However, I prefer the Star Wars games over Star Trek. The games to me have been more interesting stories such as Knights of the Old Republic. I have not found too many Star Trek games that been all that great.
2016-06-03 7:18 pm
dont care

but to put it simple

each star trek movie is a story of its owm, though all are part of same world

each star wars movie is just a part of a giant story but not seperate.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:45:47
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