Why do Clinton followers pull the race card on trump followers and claim you are sexist if you think hillary is a bad candidate? That's low.?

2016-06-03 6:54 pm

回答 (6)

2016-06-03 6:55 pm
It's just manipulation and one of the Democrat's favorite tools.
2016-06-03 6:55 pm
What else do they have. If she did not have a vagina then she would still be the lawyer fired from the Watergate case for ethics violations doing volunteer work.
2016-06-03 6:57 pm
They know Hillary is as weak of a candidate as they come and they need something to deflect criticism.

Don't tell me you haven't noticed anyone with any legitimate criticisms of the current president being called "racist".
2016-06-03 6:56 pm
The left wants a woman president even if she is a lying scandalized fool.
2016-06-03 6:55 pm
Spice has a crush
2016-06-03 6:54 pm
thats NOT low you sexist bigot. the only reasons so many people hate her is because she is a WOMAN. no other candidate in HISTORY has gone through what she has.

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