Is it "Your" a police or is it "Your're" a police?

2016-06-03 5:24 pm
And why?

回答 (40)

2016-06-06 3:52 pm
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It depends. If you are saying someone owns the police, then it's "your". For example "This is your police car, not mine".

Otherwise it's "you're". The " ' " represents a missing letter, a. You're stands for "you are". An example of this is "You're a police officer!". You could also write it as "You are a police officer!".
2016-06-04 4:52 pm
It is "You're Police; NOT Your're
2016-06-05 6:48 pm
This could be 'your police' as saying in that it belongs to someone - eg your police station is... or it could be 'you're a police man' as saying you are a police man.
2016-06-07 4:55 am
If you're referring to a police officer, the correct phrase would be "you're a police officer."
2016-06-06 9:43 pm
it is you're a police
this means you are a police which is what im guessing you are trying to say.the aprostrophe is there to replacethe letter a in are. you're is just a shorter version of you are
your is a possesive word it is what you use when you are describing somebody's possession.
參考: set 2 english class
2016-06-06 4:51 pm
"You're". For example, "your" will be used in "your task", "your pencil".
You're will be used in "you're a person." "you're a special being." If you say your special being, you mean you are not a special being but you have a special being. This theory can be applied to the "police" case. If you say you are a police, that's correct. If you say your police, it means you have another police to work for you, which translates the wrong meaning. Thus, It is "you're a police".
2016-06-06 7:13 am
2016-06-06 3:12 am
its you're a police officer, because think of it, you're is the same as you are. so you would not say your a police because the word "your" means it belongs to someone
2016-06-09 5:03 pm
The correct answer is - You're a police or You are a police
2016-06-06 8:46 pm
Its you're a police

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