stock market?

2016-06-03 3:22 pm
Hi guys, so is it possible to turn an invesment of 100-200$ into 1000$ trading penny stocks? please don't give me paragraphs on why its wrong, why its hard, why you shouldn't, I just want a simple answer, is it possible or not? Thank you!

回答 (23)

2016-06-03 5:48 pm
They say when you buy securities you have a 50%-50% chance of making money, when you buy penny stocks you have a 50-50-90% chance, 50-50 chance of making money and a 90% chance of loosing money. Since there are no meaningful regulations for trading only those with trading experience stand a chance of being successful trading in penny stocks. Penny stocks are not for newbies.
2016-06-03 4:05 pm
Yes, it is possible.

About as possible as winning the lottery, but with only a chance for a minor reward. You would have a much better chance of making money by spending that money at a casino (and you would have more fun).
2016-06-07 9:52 pm
Chances are good - Turn $1000 into 100-200.

Chances are bad - Turn 100-200 into 1000.

Possible. Odds are low.
2016-06-06 9:44 pm
Stay away from penny stocks. They are for Professional and Crooks.
2016-06-06 8:38 am
A market for stocks.
2016-06-05 7:52 pm
It's possible, but depends on your knowledge of the trade you are doing.
If you know nothing about trading stocks, you will turn your $100 into zero, but it is possible if you know how.

The best way I found so far is look for 52 week high, volume, and play along with the 8 EMA, If you don't understand what I am talking about, you have high chance to lose everything.
2016-06-04 10:38 pm
if youi know what you are doing and understand the stock market, anything is possible, both making and losing
I reiterate over and over, don't get into the stock market until you learn something about it and understand how it works
over the years preparing taxes for people, I haven't seen a lot of success in trading for my several clients who dealt in the stock market and not just little bits and pieces but 100's of buys and sells in a year's time
a recent client who has an account that she allows the financial manager to manage, made a little money and she paid almost as much in fees to manage it, so she in reality didn't make much
2016-06-03 6:22 pm
Theoretically, it could. In reality, it is extremely rare. Most penny stock companies are very speculative, and most fail.
2016-06-03 5:15 pm
It's possible if you get lucky and pick well. You're much more likely to lose your $100-200 or most of it,.
2016-06-03 4:09 pm
Pretty close to zero probability since penny stocks are either severely damaged companies or outright SCAMS.

All the newbies find the ridiculous promotional material, but none of them ever find the SEC warning link below.

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