I am in the U.S Navy, currently being tested for Hypertension. Is there a chance that I could be Medically Discharged?

2016-06-03 1:56 am

Going to be doing some tests over the next couple days to see if I will be diagnosed with Hypertension. My blood pressure has been extremely high, and I cant seem to find the right answer on google. Usually sitting between 135-150/ 90-92 and my pulse has been around 105. So I am just wondering If I might get separated for that...

回答 (6)

2016-06-03 2:38 am
That's NOT "really high." Odds are you'll be treated with medication and kept in the Navy. They'll put you on a low sodium diet too.
2016-06-03 3:00 am
2016-06-03 2:01 am
Yes. They discharge everyone these days.
2016-06-04 7:30 am
The truthful answer is...it will depend on how long you have been in the Service for...
You will more than likely receive an Involuntary Separation 5-13...
( noted that it is a Non Service Connected Disability...(If you were never in Combat...)
2016-06-03 3:43 am
Yes, if it is high after medicine can't lower it sufficiently.
2016-06-03 6:07 am

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