Are we really "Free"?

2016-06-02 4:30 pm

回答 (6)

2016-06-02 11:01 pm
nope. no one is.
2016-06-02 4:31 pm
First you must define "Free."

It might also be wise to read Locke's 2nd Treatise on Government. Locke defines the "state of nature" as being perfectly free to do anything, and says we join in groups and form social compacts where we give up some of our freedoms to the group in exchange for a variety of benefits.

So no, we are not as free as the state of nature. But membership in the group helps defend us from murderers and thieves, and in modern times from many diseases and poisons.

Here's a quote from Bob Dylan:
"My friends from the prison, they ask unto me,
'How good, how good, does it feel to be free?'
And I answer them most mysteriously,
Saying 'are birds free from the chains of the skyway?'"

And now, Kris Kristofferson:
"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose
And nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free"
2016-06-03 10:29 pm
No. If you pay property taxes you don't really own land. So fk Texas and their damn property taxes!
2016-06-03 12:27 am
Apparently, we're free as hell where I live:

'The most prosperous nation in the Americas, Canada ranks first in personal freedom'
'Canada leads North America in economic freedom'

Plus this is the World's 2nd biggest country in geographical size.
We have roughly 10 million square kilometers of real estate, 7 million of which has no road or rail access.
It's all just pristine, primal wilderness the only way into is on foot, by canoe, or by bush plane.

Any time I want, I can f*ck off into the deep bush and never be seen or heard from again.
Build a log cabin and spend the rest of my life free as a bird, hunting & fishing & living the dream so far from anywhere they wouldn't know where to even start looking.
That's true freedom few other nationalities can claim.
2016-06-02 4:33 pm
Yes and ISIS doesn't like it
2016-06-02 4:31 pm
We could be, if we kill Trump.

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