Psychology: How do you deal with people who won't forgive and forget. Bitter bastards?

2016-06-02 3:51 pm

回答 (19)

2016-06-06 9:47 pm
I don't forgive or forget... I suppose you'd call me a bitter bastard, depending on the reason I'm not forgiving and forgetting.

Here's the thing, though, I don't keep bringing it up and throwing it in everyones face, etc... you wrong me, we're done. I won't forgive you and I won't forget about your misdeed towards me...but what I will do is completely cut you out of my life and move on. If you come back around and purposefully place yourself in my path again, expect me to be a bitter bastard towards you. If you stay away from me, then I couldn't care less what you do with yourself.
2016-06-07 4:52 am
psychologically you can not forget memory that already is exist .You just have to get over it ,moving on ,cause as long as you struggle with it you will be lose more energy than doing something good for your own .Generally people they do not forgive and do not forget soon .Revenge is something automatically will happen weather you take your revenge or nature it self will do .
2016-06-06 6:20 pm
These 'people' have a reason for being this way....just leave them be and move on.
2016-06-06 6:19 pm
I forgive them. All of them. We're a team, right?
2016-06-02 4:47 pm
My ex (the meth addict) would leave the house at noon after beating me up and stealing all the money in my purse, and go buy meth. He would come home at midnight, high as a kite, and stay in the bathroom until 5 am masturbating. At 6 am when I finally had a chance to confront him.... he would respond "This relationship has no chance at all if you can't stop holding the past against me". I would reply "We're talking about yesterday!" and he would insist that it was in the past..... He was right about one thing... the relationship didn't work.

What is it you did that they won't forgive? Everyone else seems to have forgotten that there are ALWAYS 2 sides to a story.
2016-06-02 3:52 pm
Sadly you can't change them. If they don't have it in their heart to forgive someone, they will be stuck with carrying around the burden of a grudge. If it was you who screwed up, forgive yourself, you have no control over others.
2016-06-07 5:43 am
People who won't forgive and forget what? A faux-pas? Or they won't forgive someone who burned their house down and shot their grandmother? Which? It makes a difference, you know. Next time you post, make your question more clear ... more complete ...
2016-06-06 8:03 pm
Some people have good reason to not "forgive and forget". If you've hurt someone just because you are over it does not mean the other person is. Forgiveness must be earned, not demanded. What have you done to earn forgiveness?
2016-06-06 7:12 pm
I can't help it that I cannot easily forgive and I can't forget. I am not bitter. I'm no drama. I just ignore the person unless they apologize. Maybe you need to be different too...nicer and then they will be nicer to you.
2016-06-06 6:24 pm
I live well. I've had a few bumps in the road, but always enjoy life. As for people that won't forgive or forget. I don't have any in my life. Wonder how I did that.

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