In the sentence below: What's the meaning and functon of the word 'Say'.?

2016-06-02 12:01 pm
I’m not just going to buy you a PS3. You have to work hard for it. Say, how’s getting a perfect score in the math exam?

回答 (3)

2016-06-02 12:03 pm
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It is used instead of ' for example'. It's in common use but it's also poor grammar
2016-06-02 4:53 pm
According to my dictionary, the word 'say', when used as it is in your text, is used to attract attention.
It's a shortened form of 'I say!', which indicates that the speaker wants someone to pay attention to what he is about to utter. Examples:
1. I say! What about a ride in that speedboat?
2. Say! You know what I've been thinking?
3. Say! Can I borrow your bike?
參考: Bloomsbury Concise English Dictionary. 2nd edition. A. & C. Black. London. 2005.
2016-06-02 12:04 pm
short for "What do you think?"

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