Why isn t my son interested in the economy?

2016-06-02 9:27 am
He s 13 and I ve been trying to teach him about the federal bank and inflation rates of money. It is very important that he knows about this, but he seems very bored when I tell him about this.

回答 (12)

2016-06-02 9:45 am
I'm calling troll on this one.
2016-06-10 8:56 pm
Wait till he wants a car and THEN talk to him about the economy and how it works.
2016-06-06 6:49 pm
Because today's youth see no future for themselves...all they see is; playing games on a computer all day and living with mommy and daddy forever. They do NOT want jobs.....they just want to sponge off of every one else and NOT be responsible for anything or any body.
For now, create a 'fake' checkbook....like a spread sheet, and teach him how to manage his 'fake' money.
2016-06-06 6:14 pm
Maybe he wants to play and explore, so thus not interested. Maybe now is not the right time for him to learn it?
Shouldn't you give him the chance to learn this subject at a later time, when he's older?
2016-06-05 8:06 am
Because he is 13. At 13 people are prone to be 'live for and in the moment'.
2016-06-03 8:59 pm
I had the same problem with my son. I remedied it by telling him I would open a investment account in Fidelity if he promised he would contribute to it regularly. He agreed, and has been a Capitalist since he was 16 years of age.
2016-06-03 1:21 pm
He is a bit young yet and obviously this is not where his interests lie. Adulthood will hand him enough, let him be a kid.
2016-06-02 7:39 pm
then you're not a very good teacher
2016-06-02 11:57 am
You could always start by playing Monopoly. Kids like it and its like a pre-economics lesson anyway. If you're skilled, you can teach him the true meaning of the game.
2016-06-02 9:36 am
well, you have to get interesting facts in... seriously, not many people are interested in this kind of thing. it's for the minority of people. plus, even if it is important in your eyes, doesn't mean that he sees it the same way that you do.

one: he does not understand it's importance; two: it's not interesting, just a blob of factual information; three: has nothing to do with his life at the moment in his perspective.

basically, unless it directly affects him and he can see that (like getting a massive bruise on his face or something) then he just sees no point in knowing it. (or if he needs to pass a test etc)

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