We are digging a hole for a rose bush, the ground is like digging into rock, will wetting the area help?

2016-06-02 3:38 am

回答 (8)

2016-06-11 7:14 pm
Depends on what you are digging into. If you are digging into hard clay like in the Southern part of the US, adding water will help but You might get stuck in it. If you are digging into shale, water won't help and might make it worse.
Best bet is to soak an area much larger than the hole you need, leave it overnight and dig it all out the next day. Then add mulch, clean dirt and fertilizer and water when planted.
2016-06-05 6:54 pm
Yes but it may take a while for the water to sink in enough to soften it.
2016-06-04 2:19 am
In my opinion, it is normal while the soil being dried would be as hard as rock. Then, it will be softened by the water.
2016-06-03 3:11 am
Yes, wetting the area a LOT will help. Might have to soak the hole for over one day. Be sure you are not digging into gas pipes. Call the gas company and tell them where you will be digging. They will tell you where the gas pipes are.
2016-06-02 12:31 pm
Yes, but not if it is rock.
2016-06-02 4:36 am
Yes, you can pour some water in the hole you have and leave it overnight to soften the soil.
2016-06-02 3:46 am
Sure .
2016-06-02 5:49 am
of coarse

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