Israel: Why don't you silly Israelis and Jews admit that Yasser Arafat did great things for Palestine?

2016-06-01 7:47 pm

回答 (5)

2016-06-01 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yasser Arafat was a murderer and people continue to die because of the toxic pseudo-nationalism he indoctrinated the palestinians with.

He's personally responsible for anyone (be they Israeli or Arab) who has ever died in the intifadas, suicide bombings, rockets attacks, Hamas-Fatah Wars, Black September in Jordan, Lebanese Civil War, South Lebanon Conflict, 2006 Lebanon War, Gaza Wars and worst of all, the collapse of Rabin's attempt to make peace.

Anyone who has the nerve to "admit that Yasser Arafat did great things" at all is a terrorism supporter and a completely ignorant human being. After Arafat died all the suicide bombings magically stopped.
2016-06-01 8:42 pm
Being supporter of Israel I admit Arafat was the best figure to represent Palestinians:
1. Fake Palestinian like most others...
2. Ugly like most others.
3. Pedophile like many others.
4. Terrorist like many others.
5. Liar like all of them.
2016-06-01 7:47 pm
Shut up, nobody cares about your hate
2016-06-01 9:05 pm
No he was bad for Palestine
2016-06-02 6:59 am
the only thing arafat did was head a terrorist Organization he never Brokered a lasting Peace the arabs always Broke them

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