Why isn't the USA a free country anymore? Is it the peoples fault or is it the feds fault? After all we keep electing idiots!?

2016-06-01 6:06 pm

回答 (13)

2016-06-02 3:18 pm
Both. People like police state, cuz they think only other people will be tortured, etc.
2016-06-02 2:56 am
I doubt it since we haven't elected you yet.
2016-06-01 6:08 pm
both. people do not stay informed and the politicians are bought out because of the greed
2016-06-01 6:07 pm
The lure of free sh!t from the government has replaced the old values of freedom and free enterprise.
2016-06-01 6:07 pm
More people need to vote. We have this democracy that people are too lazy to use.
2016-06-01 6:09 pm
Communists have taken over the leadership of the Democrat Party. They have been undermining America for 70 years. Google Van Jones, Cloward and Piven, Bill Ayers, they're coming folks!
2016-06-01 6:08 pm
That's because we vote Democrat. Vote Trump, and we shall be free as Americans.
2016-06-02 5:18 pm
Electing idiots has nothing to do with it because we're not free anymore anyway, it's the government that has and always will be biting into what small portions of rights we have left.
2016-06-02 11:52 am
The elected officials are supposed to WORK FOR US.

We have no viable options to vote for. It's a joke any more (the country).
2016-06-02 4:32 am
No the committees who choose candidates and arrange primaries, the delegates who are not strictly representative, the electoral college which is the most offending factor in a democratic process. The Democratic election has been like a third world country with Iowa deciding in favor of Hillary by 6 coin tosses.
2016-06-01 6:45 pm
In a democracy, which the USA is, you get who you vote for. If you keep electing idiots, that's your own fault. But if only idiots stand for election, then of course one of them will be elected.
2016-06-01 6:09 pm
There is no way to know if our votes even matter. Voter fraud is very, very common.
2016-06-01 6:06 pm
Is there some universal definition for "free country?"

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