How can I disappear abroad?

2016-06-01 2:35 pm
Say if I wanted to just take off abroad and not have any contact with family, say if I didn't want governments looking for me at the behest of people, say if I wanted to just move abroad without anyone bothering me, how could I do this?

回答 (5)

2016-06-01 7:11 pm
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You can't move anywhere without a passport and your passport will show which country you "moved" to. In order to live a life entirely under the radar you would need money - and a lot of it - at least in the initial stages. Since you don't state which country you now live in, it's impossible to say which countries you could move to. If, for instance, you live in the UK then you can move about freely in any other EU country. If you live in the USA then your choices are limited because you would need a visa for some countries. You could go to Europe but if you don't have foreign language skills then you're shooting yourself in the foot. You could sneak across the border to Mexico (how's your Spanish?), or you could sneak across the border into Canada but don't plan on not being discovered.
2016-06-01 7:18 pm
If you are an American citizen you can move to a place like Guam or American Samoa. These are both American territories and you don't need anything to fly to Guam from Hawaii and all you need to fly to American Samoa is a US Passport, no visa.

Nobody is going to look for you in either of these locations unless you have a felony warrant out for your arrest.
2016-06-01 8:43 pm
You are doing things the wrong way if you want to disappear, going abroad you require a passport, your travel is recorded, buying the ticket, using a credit/debit card all recorded and all easily traceable.and one thing moving away and not being in contact with family/friends reality is if officials wished to find you they could......

Moving to another area in the country you live in, changing your hobbies/interests, registering on the electoral roll ( legal obligation) but under the non disclosure, no social media activity, no advertising yourself in any way.....and you disappear!
2016-06-01 6:12 pm
Of course not. You have to have a passport and interpol tracks that stuff.
2016-06-01 3:12 pm
That rather depends on your citizenship, and where abroad you plan to run away to.

For example with a US passport, you can't move and settle in any other country without getting a visa first. Most countries have strict immigration rules, requiring high level STEM / specialist education and experience, and a qualifying employer to sponsor it.

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