Can short-term memory affect long-term memory?

2016-06-01 2:22 pm
I vaguely remember reading a psychiatry article somewhere online which talked about the relationship between long-term memory and short-term memory. If I remember rightly it stated that a person with deficits in short-term memory will usually have deficits in long-term memory as well because for a person to recall things for a long period of time, the information that is to be remembered long-term must pass through the short term-memory first? Any truth to this or just a theory? If this is correct how can one go about rectifying memory issues.

回答 (2)

2016-06-01 2:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Those who have pristine pure mind will not get affected. They will have strong memory power. It will in their stock in sub-conscious mind always.

Those who have lot of impurities and malice hidden in different nooks and corners of the mind may suffer because of poor memory. Flush out all sorts of impurities and malice from your mind.

Then you will also be eligible to have good memory.

The so called impurities in the mind are unhealthy thoughts, habits or traits. Besides that illegitimate desire, anger, delusion, infatuation, negligence, carelessness, inadvertence, greed, jealousy, lust, malice, hatred, bias, envy, hypocrisy, negative emotions, mental agitation, arrogance, pride, prejudice, ignorance, lethargy, doubt, confusion, fear, worry, anxiety, frustration, grief, suspicion, dejection, conceit, temptations, stupor, hesitation, reluctance, forgetfulness, stupidity, superstition, oscillation, distraction, distortion, wrong hallucination, etc. are also impurities. These impurities cause disturbances in the mind by creating attachment and aversion and thus rob it of tranquility.

They are the urges, impulses and negative emotions.
參考: own
2016-06-01 2:48 pm
I forget.

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