What is it that makes the poor have little money and the rich have lots of money?

2016-05-31 7:23 pm

回答 (17)

2016-05-31 7:27 pm
Years of bad decisions. I can walk into any casino and know most of the people could be doing something more important with their money. Deciding that education is not important, waiting for someone else to be your savior instead of participating in your own rescue.
2016-05-31 7:25 pm
Work ethic
Risk taking
Timing and luck sometimes also comes into play
2016-05-31 11:37 pm
There are these things called wages. If you can't earn much, housing, food and clothing tend to be major expenses. This doesn't include the cost of automobiles, which many poor people can't afford, or medical care. Poverty is a little different in this country because people can buy TV's on credit, and then default on the loan. Most housing units come with refrigerators and ranges, although a sure sign of poverty is not being able to afford heat in the winter.. Low wages are a factor, but so is limited job skills. Software engineers make much more than cashiers, and that's because the former requires a lot more skill. But for about 40 years now CEO's have been giving themselves obscene awards and paying themselves astronomical salaries. If they had a sense of fairness, those surplus wages could go into the pockets of people at the bottom of the wage scale, but that's un-American.
2016-06-02 5:42 pm
You can take the bullshit stories of hard work, perseverance and all that, but the vast majority of hard working individuals never see a dime of the real money being made in the background. Real money is almost always inherited. And with money, you can make money. Invest long term, own franchises and other lucrative slices of the private sector.

After all, 'New money' isn't a special piece of jargon for no reason. New money is an oddity. A few newly promoted executives, some successful startups with revolutionary inventions, and late career professionals such as doctors and lawyers obtain this title. You almost definitely won't. The cards are stacked against.
2016-06-01 8:15 pm
Better thieves. Less ethics, and conscience. don't mind ripping apart other people. There activism is their attempts to pay it forward, rather than to those they've hurt or stolen from. This is my experience.
2016-06-01 7:33 pm
The poor are happy being poor because they know they can live like the rich with welfare.
2016-06-01 5:09 pm
The poor are either not being hired when they apply for jobs, or they are only getting part time hours at minimum wage pay.

The rich own the businesses, and charge higher and higher prices for products that have cheaper quality and less quantity than they had in 1990.
2016-06-01 10:54 am
Essentially its LUCK. if you are born into a rich country, have a stable upbringing,get a chance to go to a good school, have parents that value education...you may become financially rich?
2016-06-01 9:24 am
the government should pay the unemployed and retired , poor people in the third world have a lotes of children and live bad quality of life , i will live alone and die alone because i dont want to bring another child to this sutuaiition
2016-05-31 11:39 pm
There are several factors that affect the degree and condition of standard of living of people as show below:
(1) Intelligence
(2) Performance of economy
(3) Ability
(4) Experience and knowledge about economy

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