Why does the solicitor want my insurance details? (see further details)?

2016-05-31 1:30 pm
I have a taxi and was very gently rear ended - no damage done the offending driver and myself shook hands and departed without exchanging details although I did register the accident with the police. My passenger was diagnosed with whiplash and is making a claim against the guy who bumbed us based on the excellent cctv footage from the cab.

I want nothing to do with it and don't understand why her "no win no fee" solicitor has just rang asking for my insurance details.

He says the claim cannot go ahead without it - why? I see it as a way of somehow dragging me into a claim/counter claim via insurances and I'm just not playing.

Any uk solicitors got a take on this please it seems a very odd state of affairs.

回答 (5)

2016-06-01 2:31 pm
Obviously to get compensation from you. Notify your own insurance of the claim, give them your statement and let them handle it for you. That's why you have insurance.
2016-05-31 4:21 pm
You're a taxi driver so (should) have hire and reward insurance.

Your passenger was injured whilst in your vehicle; the cause is irrelevant as it's the liability cover for your passengers which applies.

Your desire to avoid a claim is understandable but in this case it's misguided. You have no choice but to report the incident to your insurers and if they have to pay out a personal injury claim then they'll try and recover costs from the other driver's insurance. If successful then you won't see a significant rise in your premiums, but if they can't make recovery your premiums will unfortunately take a hit.

If you want to avoid that in future you can take out more extensive taxi driver cover which protects you against such personal injury claims where they're clearly not your fault.
2016-05-31 7:48 pm
The passenger is claiming injury. Inform your insurance and send the details to the solicitor.
Give details to your insurance.
As a taxi driver this is one of the joys of the job. This is why you have hire and reward insurance.
Remember making a false claim is fraud.
2016-05-31 4:43 pm
The passenger was in your cab and your responsibility unless you can prove otherwise in a court of law. You have passenger liability insurance, use it.
2016-05-31 3:02 pm
You need to file a claim with YOUR insurance company for advice asap.

Filing a police report and CCTV footage is good, (but) it sounds like you don't have enough information on the other guy who hit you. If, you did not get the other guy's insurance information, or his plate number, then her solicitor will likely go after YOU for her injuries, since she was a passenger in your cab when the accident happened. Technically, the other guys insurance owes for her injuries, but, if you never got his information at the scene, then guess what it is back to you.

Once again, you need to call your insurance company for advice.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:52:18
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