可以幫我翻譯成英文嗎? 不要是google翻譯出來給我 如果中文題目不好翻,就翻大概的意思也可以,謝謝 1.每次逛夜市都提著大包小包的回家 2.我的大學生活沒有參加社團因為我把時間拿來探索宜蘭這塊土地 3.旅遊是我的興趣 4.有時會跟朋友一起去超市買生鮮材料自己動手煮晚餐?

2016-05-31 8:32 am

回答 (2)

2016-05-31 1:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Binge shopping we did, every time we went to the night market.

I wasted no time in clubs to spend every second on the exploration of Yeeland.

Exploration tourism is my hobby.

Sometimes, I went to supermarkets with close friends to shop fresh local ingredients for home cooking.
你騙人! 超市會有 生鮮材料? 吹牛太超過了吧!
2016-05-31 12:56 pm
(1)Each night carrying large bags home after shopping.
(2)I do not participate in the life of the University Community because I take the time to explore the land of "Yee-land".
(3)For travelling is a matter of considerable interest for me.
(4)Sometimes going with friends to buy fresh food produce from Supermarket for cooking our dinner.

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