Right now not in college intil next fall? I have one more semester to go and I still haven't had a career idea or were my life is heading.?

2016-05-31 6:40 am
After being in college for Almost two half yr I have one more semester to go and get my associate of art degree. I only realize wasted my time. Not going for engineering degree any of that and feel like wasting my time when don't have any idea with a career path. Going finish up my degree but should have I planed better.

回答 (2)

2016-05-31 7:06 am
I don't know what college youre in, but you should ask for your tuition money back because it seems you've squandered it. Your spelling is atrocious. I foretell a future in the fast food industry for you.
2016-05-31 6:55 am
NO idea what YOU want to do when grown-up ?
Simple Skip college.
Know what where how to use libraries ?
Got libraries where you live?
Libraries got these things called books.
Plenty of them to learn what you want to b when grown-up..
Spend some months years learning reading about how to figure out what ?
Libraries are FREE here.
Attending college b4 that is wasting your time effort money to make money for college and banks NOT u.
參考: Exstreet person Employer now thanks library card

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:55:39
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